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Retiring They Came Before Columbus

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I know this video will receive some flak, but truth is truth.

Ivan Van Sertima, They Came Before Columbus


Ebony Queen says:

I will read this book with your words in mind. Thank you for sharing.

Law Genesis says:

I had just learned about the Pre-Columbian Myth book a few weeks ago. I follow the same line of criteria as you. While it is good to have older sources st your disopsal…it should be kept in mind that information gets updated. That is what science and history is about. I'm actually about to go see if B&N has Van Sertma's book, and get the other book he referenced online(thanks for the heads up on it being free)

I haven't read it yet of course…my only question would be is "Myths Of Pre-Columbian America" from the perspective of debunking myths about the natives or telling myths?

Mike Ruiz says:

I always wondered that if they're Native how come they don't speak a Native language while the "fake" Native Americans do speak a Native language that is related to other Native languages…

Blackdon't Crack says:

So where is the hard evidence to debunk van sertima?
where is your years of studying?

Jafar Curry says:

You do not have the education nor have you put in the work to discredit decades of Van Sertima's work. 7 years of research went into "They Came Before Colombus" in multiple disciplines. Also dozens of stamps in the authors passport. Where have you been? What have you done? Where did you study? I would bet you've never even been to South or Central America, Africa or even the East for that matter. Where are your arguments to disprove the theories posed by Van Sertima's work? All I've heard you say is "I respect Van Sertima" and "But we need to retire his book". I'm sorry man you sound like a bumbling idiot. If you can present a genuine premise with proper supporting arguments then you will have a shot at garnering an audience willing to listen. Until then you are just another idiot on youtube. Peace.

Richard Kruger says:

The African-based historical fantasy novel, 'Timbuktu Chronicles: Aida and the Chosen Soldier,' also alleges that West Africans may have made it to America in the 14th century. I checked up on it after reading the book, and it very well may have happened.

Tiki Miller says:

Africans came to the Americas 1st whether you like it or not.

Steve Jovan says:

It is certainly about time. It’s never been taken seriously in any case. Robbing Native Americans is not an alternative to legitimate authentic research.
Where do they fall short? The fact that you are ignorant of varied African phenotypes is hardly an argument.

Clay Newman says:

It kills me how fast some people will criticize someone else's work but doesn't have any work of their own to put four ,Ivan Van Sertima did a good job and write his book he did the work he put in the effort we need to stop letting white people tell our story, we sit and criticize a black man for telling us the truth but don't criticize the white man for telling us a mountain of Lies, divide and conquer when will we ever learn.

Happy Gut, Happy Life says:

Dr. Van Sertima put in the work, he spent his life traveling and studying. So have you done the same or went beyond that which he has done. Right knowledge, right reasoning and sound right reasoning is never outdated.

Kamunu Odomankoma says:

I’ve been known Van Sertimas work was pseudo as hell since 2015. He’s an elder that was tryna wake our people to a certain identity but he did it erroneously.

Black folk don’t like truth, they like feel good information irregardless whether it’s false or true. No matter how far they run from the Christian Church, they are all still Christian at heart whether Muslim, Hebrew, Khemetic, Moors, Pan-Africanists, or whatever.

It’s a sad thing to witness.

shawn stokes says:

funny you didn't mention Alexander von wuthenau.

JusFamily says:

I must admit that I am still "confused" ie brainwashed about our true history. Respect means to value. Dismissing Van Sertima's meticulous work because one does not value myths is to be expected. Consider the Adam and Eve myth, and the Noah Ark myth, those myths show what the people's scientific beliefs are, and that they are a patriarchal society. Van Sertima used artifacts and matched them with mythology. Van Sertima knew how to read the books of racists for what they are, coverup of our capabilities and character. There was no such thing as "history" until modern times. Pre-modern writing served a different purpose than western purpose of brainwashing. Ivan Van Sertima did not let the white historians run their hustle on him. I value his work, he opened my eyes, for example, I was reading Black Indians by a white author. It said, "the blacks had mixed so much with the native people, that there was no trace of native people left in the tribe that the white explorer could see." The author and the historical witness are both racists, they can not fathom an indigeneous black tribe. So they explain it the only way they know how, from the viewpoint of arrogant genetic recessive beings. Ivan Van Sertima's work may have some flaws, but I think it would take a historian greater than him to see those flaws, and yet they would respect him still, because they would have learned something invaluable from him that they never learned in the public schools.

Reflective Light says:

Lol, making Black people confused, the enemy of freedom saturated in Jim Crow, apartheid and slavery tells us we are confused….. Nope, no confusion, we know who the real Devil is.

Honeybadger R. says:

I won't recommend it either. It's making black people confuse about who they are over myths , theories and assumptions!

Sir Shelton says:

Have you read "Before Columbus" by Cyrus H Gordon?

Ancient Indigenous One says:

They came before Columbus by Van Sertima proves Native historical inaccuracy.

Saracen Alid Moore says:

What about Mansa Musa's voyage?

Saracen Alid Moore says:

Nice video!

Kush Zulu says:

I would not retire that book

eddie smith says:

Dear Sir, I do not believe that you should retire the book entitled, "They came before Columbus". From listening to you video, the book did you more good than harm by leading you to read and study even more in depth of the search for our true history. You can't be mad about that. God Bless you Brother, keep up the good work!

Ntr Htp says:

Rogers didn't have access to the resources we have today. Did you review the work of Von Wuthenau, Alexander?

Gbe Bang says:

It kind of told us who were the real natives which were africans then if i go to black indian book it will tell me how they were africans and after a time asians came and disrupted are land

Prince Jaren says:

What books would you recommend ?

Mac Hill says:

Where can we find the papers and responses you will be writing? Very good info brotha. We need more like you.

Malcolm H. Newton [The Man-Not] says:

Do you believe in highlighting books?

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