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Dr. Claud Anderson – Dirty Secrets: Black Leadership Has Failed Black People

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rachel lakhi says:

I am so inspired!

Darylifill Ifill says:

thank you Dr Claud Anderson

Justina Fields says:


Janet E says:

didnt even know i was suscribed to this channel but sure glad I am.

J Guillory says:

The information in regards to Obama and Hilary are stunning! Its right on the money and what's even more amazing is that black folks are acting like its not real. We live in a system of white supremacy. Understand that or you will be very , very, very confused

sonofyah2726 says:

Voting is a Joke ….Vote for WHAT ? to get Nothing !!!

sonofyah2726 says:

Everything you do is in the past ……Truth !!!

harvey ramsey says:

Read 2 of his books
the Dr is the truth..

Coach B says:

BLACKNESS..Powerful, special,blessed, overwhelming . Then WHY is BLACKNESS being vilified, hated, and oppressed.? WHY make Africa so rich only to have the continent exploited by the whole world ?

Yaeshona says:

dark matter!

Pynky II says:

…the biggest slave owner in N Carolina was black…


+Epics PoliticsGirl
If you are waitng for ANYONE to do anything for you. You will be waiting a LONG TIME. Black people are slow to catch on. All other none white races get it. They understand that to prospur and move up. You must DO FOR SELF.
There is NO OTHER WAY. latinos get it, Asians get it, Arabs get it. Jews got it long ago.
BLACK PEOPLE?? They dont get it. They will kill eachother to get the latest pair of Jordons. But ask those same people to spend a dollar with their OWN PEOPLE. No it cant happen.
And until that starts hapoening black people will never get anywhere as a race.

Trap mane Bedsty says:

love it!

Michael King says:

Dr. Anderson is a great Afrikan here in America. He's highly intelligent and in my opinion he would have been a King back in the day. Yet he is a King in my eyes. And King is but a true servant of the people!!! I'm Poppa-P

MoorsAreIsraelites says:

This guy telling half story. The Cherokee nation & others was taken over by whites due to mixing and turncoats within it. All Cherokee didn't agree enslaving their brothers.It was the Keetowah clan did not go along with it. The Cherokee, Choctaw,Seminole,etc ended up being betrayed and enslaved in the fields of the Southern states and the Caribbean Islands. The original Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole was originally so-called black and Israelites. That's why the Cherokee customs lines up with ancient Israel and they called upon the name Yowah. Which is correctly Yahawa. All 150 million Gadites (So called Native American tribes) didn't agree to enslaved Judah ( so called Negros). Actually a large number of you so called blacks are Gadites ( so called NA) reclassified as so called Negros. 

Ben Kehler says:

Eisenhower was a relative and his mother wasn't brown. Look at what your powerful browness is doing all over Africa. Nigeria is a good place to start. Africa is weak starving violent animals killing raping with great power. Every weak African genes dropping from disease all over the genome. Black Holes aren't brown skin.Thats in fucking sane. You are idiots for even listening. Now God is Brown too. Black issues not a color. You're talking crayons? This is retarded thought. Nuts. Crazy. Whatever ya call it.

Ben Kehler says:

What? you said it's ok to be for your race if you're for black. If you're white for white success you're racist

reginald blaylock says:

Good vid and great info.

Sharon Johnson says:

This man really does what what he is speaking about and his predictions are sleaus spot on. If only more black people listened to him then you would not hear many now saying how disappointed they are with Obama! They would have known he could not do anything for us as we are powerless people be because we have no economy of our own. Obama has disopimted us but what can we do about it? Nothing but moan and complain! Powerless.

Big Daddy Hebrew says:

Black people are Slow hes telling them were We are Gods special people wtf they clapping like its Comedy

Epic PoliticsGirl says:

so true about politics. even Bernie as we asked what are you going to do for black ppl specifically then he's quick to shut up. hillary to quick to shut up. they give us trickle down policies. benefits from their policies will trickle down to us but we see its not true

Sheri Townsend says:

I hope no one thinks these Blacks elected to office are our leaders. If so, that may be one of our biggest problems.   Being a Black representative doesn't automatically make you a leader.   King was a leader.  Malcolm was a leader.  Even Dr. Claude Anderson is a leader.  They worked tirelessly to help Blacks elevate themselves.  They have/had direction, conviction and a following.  Many local and national Black officials are simply occupying a position in the government, and get paid for it.  They only represent Blacks because they are Black.  To be a leader, you have to know how to lead.   You have to know how to inspire, and you have to know how to achieve goals.   You have to be in it for others, not just yourself.    Now, If you want these Black representatives to do  something, you have to MAKE THEM.  President Obama said that.  This is where Blacks fall short.  We don't do that.    We don't look at the records of those we put in office to see if the are working in our best interest.  IT appears that we just assume they're there to benefit us.  Not necessarily.  There has to be lots of push and follow up to make things happen.   Most representative don't have the  type of drive leaders do.

MARGO F says:

Create a "DRUM"…or BE ONE! Pass along Historical & Economics TRUTHS about the REAL Status & conditions of Black Folks in this country.Same around ENTIRE WORLD! Sound the DRUM/BE THE DRUM! EVERYONE, discuss, engage, promote the Truth. Justice w/follow. We MUST CHANGE OURSELVES & Our situation in this blasted country! Do your part…or get out of the way! Get back on the porch! Respectfully,Margo

MARGO F says:

I'm making a compilation of his vids for Grammar/Jr/Sr High School Students in my area along w/a copy of the NEWSWEEK 1988,"ADAM & EVE were Black–Scientific Reality.W/definitely blew brains out & disturb MOST PEOPLE! Undeniable & Irrefutable! (LOL)With so-called "Black History Month" coming up..handing out as "Free Gifts" to History Students prior to it. Lucy!…There w/b some EXPLAINING TO DO![haha] Margo

Malsipots says:

I won't let anyone move me away from whiteness, no sah.

Angela Ray says:

I hope all you beautiful black folks getting all this.

Angela Ray says:

I hope all you beautiful black folks getting all this.

BelleoftheBall2night says:

WELL Lay's stole Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles idea…. They now make Chicken and Waffles potato chips. That was usually in L.A.  yeah good point. Group econ. Heck that's so true. I learned that in Anthropology.

BelleoftheBall2night says:

natural selection is what you're speaking about… So how is court case going?  Why is it that hardly no Black people know about this?  Why wasn't it on the dam news?

BelleoftheBall2night says:

why are blacks treated so badly?

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