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Dr Cheik Anta Diop : Humanity origin !

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Années 1980 le savant sénégalais Dr Cheik Anta Diop se rend en Amérique, dans la Caraïbe, en Guadeloupe et aux USA, et tient conférences pédagogiques relatives à ses travaux et études sur l’origine de l’humanité (paléolithique en Afrique – 3 millions à -15 000 années environ, des différents hominidés à l’Homo Sapiens s.),… puis à l’essor sur les rives du Nil Afrique ( Nubie, Koush, Nwika, …) d’une première grande civilisation des temps du néolithique à l’antiquité, puis histoire africaine. Contribution majeure pour éradication du criminel racisme actuellement opérationnel fondamentalement antimélaniste, anti africain, … généré par impérialisme occidentalo-européen.


Axel Setzo'o says:

When was this program broadcasted ? What was the channel ?

jason lind says:

this is the reason why i've always thought of the bell curve as another ploy of racist white supremacist western academia, to propagandarize african peoples as inferior, and so called cacausians as intellectually superior..

jason lind says:

if this woman was an ancient egyptian and her face was carved in stone or painted on the walls, most of these so called egyptologist would surely claim that she was cacausian.

this woman is living proof that there were africans with alkaline features, and hatshepsut and nefertiti could have well been pure africans as assumed by kemetologist.

i've seen tons blue black people with those types of features, it's not like she's an anomaly.

Khadim Seck says:

une fierte pour l'Afrique

domotique_debutant says:


Lynn Neal says:

High honors to the master teacher and may the ancestors embraced you home.

Obsidian SeventyOne says:

Ya know…the woman doing the translation is kinda fine. 

Lynn Neal says:

Thank you very much d.r.diop you are master teacher and I'm forever in your debt.

HcBlasty says:

a black nigga

carl eleck says:

Today, in order to contemplate ancient humans there is only the priori state this is any educational system, is the choice theological or scientific? "Theology" teaches that a god-thing created the human. In that wake, some humans have been chosen others not. Today, Science says evolution is the prevailing process for that which is a human. Some theology say-so concerns a garden of eden, the science of evolution say-so is Africa is the place of human origin. (Euro-white Xians say no) Hmmmm?

carl eleck says:

or if you want to know, and you are an ancestor of the Euro-white people you can also use the bible in place of the Quran, that way white stays white and the Quran types stay what they are, like it is today. Good plan(?)

Tanti Kasso says:

bla bla bla !

Adam Yahya says:

Adam and Eve are those human speces on earth, it doesn't contradict at all.You should know that he was muslim scholor, religious at the same time. That means islam, if its followed as it's in the Quran, it's mind-opening, not like the corrupted other ways of life. Read the quran, if you want to know. Don't be so impulsive or naive, think quitely always.

Adam Yahya says:

Adam and Eve are those human speces on earth, it doesn't contradict at all.You should know that he was muslim scholor, religious at the same time. That means islam, if its followed as it's in the Quran, it's mind-opening, not like the corrupted other ways of life. Read the quran, if you want to know,

Nedji-medine Grebaba says:

et qu'est-ce tu sous-entend par la!

elvis maabo says:

Ok fuck the Biblical Adam and Eve.

Thutmose Ward says:

Oh I forgot to mention,he's wearing that salt and pepper mohawk haircut and he dresses sharp too!!!!!

Thutmose Ward says:

Ancestor Warrior Scholar Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop is a very intelligent, well studied uncomprising, undisputed, champion of African Consciousness. I honor you Dr. Diop!!!!

gandja man says:

Thanks m.diop !! proud to be senegalese proud to be africain

Glam You Girl says:

he ant speak english at all??

barzinio1 says:

et oui, l'homme descend du singe…

B. White says:

The scholar to the scholars all bow their heads to the great heights of knowldege.

kumbo5 says:

Thank's dear Diop. I great man for history of humanity

TheCaliman972 says:

Excellent reportage et surtout intègre… Le savoir est une arme donc soyons armés!!!

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