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John Pilger on Nuclear war, Russia & The Last Poets 467

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We speak to legendary journalist John Pilger, former UK ambassador to Russia Sir Tony Brenton & revolutionary music from The Last Poets.
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Paul Bambrick says:

Rycroft does not speak for his country, only for the establishment. Accusation without proof.

TheDixiechick12 says:

Globalism is the cause of all the problems.All countries should look after there own

TheDixiechick12 says:

Is itall a facade to cover up the Financial collapse

jason lovett says:

'Sir'Tony Brenton. Nuff said. No self reflection on history just spouting propaganda that fits his world view. You wonder why we are in this mess? "Strong evidence" he says. WHERE??????

Mark Summers says:

Bomb first ask questions later… Fucking yanks

Mark Summers says:

Where is the evidence Assad carried out that attack?

Carolyn Nigro says:

Thank God there are still people left in the world who speak the truth. Makes me feel less alone. Thank you Mr Piliager

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