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Brother Polight :: Polygyn vs Pimping and more. 2017 #TRFTV Exclusive

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http://www.TooRealForTV.com Filmmaker Michael Maroy does an exclusive interview with Brother Polight and discuss different topics from explaining haters as “The Nigga” being made in America” to the comparisons and difference between “Polygny vs Pimping.” Brother Polight in his rawest form speaking like the modern day leader many have come to know and admire.


Brooke Taylor says:

The mf's commenting didn't even watch the damn video. Cause if they did they would understand what this man is saying. I didn't agree with home boys modern day Malcolm X comment. But if you don't think that Brother Polight is saying REAL shit, YOU'RE DUMB.

Caleb Davis says:

lmao that man so full of shit it's beyond ridiculous but I got to give it to him he is very intelligent. some things I can agree with and some I can't.

Rama says:

Polight is a smart guy.

Uncle Oracle says:

Too real for Tv is a very important tool for understanding games that others have been through.


It's the same bullshit year after year after year. All he says is the same stories over and over. when will you people get tired of hearing the same shit.

John Doe says:

Scam artist or not, the brother dispensates information that's not being discussed in as much detail and in such an articulate manner. You would be a fool to passively dismiss the information he has learned and shares with people, because undoubtably, what he's teaching can cause a discerning mind to introspectively scrutinize themselves and tweak certain flaws within ourselves and come out of that incubation period as a better person. That doesn't justify the fact that his underhanded ways didn't play a strong hand in deeply damaging people's lives, which is something I'm firmly against. My thing is this brother's mind should not be overlooked.

Nino Brown says:

Malcolm X was killed because he exposed the LIES told by brothers like this. He(Malcolm) was accused of being many things, but never a Liar, thief or Scam Artist.

King T Heru says:

Don't be mad at a man for having shit. damn you need a life! I couldn't even get people to donate for a loved one to get medical attention but I ain't mad, get your own and let live busters.

DarkskinDrake says:

I am going to be honest brother Maroy.I sat and watch this interview and it was very wise that you wore shades.For the first ten minutes before and after you asked the brother why didn't he just be a selfish hustler? He sat there and bullshitted for the next five minutes until commercial. Now I don't know if he is a scam artist but I definitely know he is full of shit and is nothing close to a Pimp.

Tiffany Wisdom says:

Why didn't you ask him about the status correction bull crap that he was trying to sell to people for $400, but yet and still he's conscious? Yeah Malcolm was into the street life but transform himself to become more eloquent speaker and educator.

Constance Warren says:

black power.

Kamal Patterson says:

Brotha Polite spittin real-ism, preach! Too real 4 tv this your best delivery of an interview in opinion.. You pressed the brotha to answer tough questions exactly. Whereas, other interviews I've seen you give to the legendary P's I feel like sometimes, you let them off the hook of the actual question and they were able to just spit game and avoid the actual question. Good job my brotha

Yacob Benhur says:


ronald robinson says:

Brother Pro Light I love your work. Let's get back to the knowledge.

Cornell Scott says:

Amazing video.

Mistymo Jones says:

He speaks alot of truth, but he misguided as far as Polygyny is concerned…but overall good interview

All Seeing Eye says:

This man has some knowledge, but what about the black cheifs in Africa who made deals with the Europeans during the Atlantic Slave Trade??? Love All Trust None….some of these pro black individuals and organizations have insidious motives as well. What's in a man's heart determines his deeds, not information alone. Malcolm X never promoted pologymy, that's why he disassociated himself from Prophet Elijah Muhammad and the NOI. Human Trafficking occurs in Africa and throughout the world, and what makes it worst is that these guys actually kidnap little girls for foriegners.

A.B. Consult says:

Couple observations! #1. Tip of the Hat Playboy, Always timely with the Game! #2. While I revere Bro Malcolm and what he represented as an impeccable Orator, he too was no saint and for those of us that can OVERSTAND it was simply a nod to this brother making his voice heard while having a similar background to X, nothing more nothing less HATERS! Before I get off Malcolm, black folk was hating on him and martin back then too, ain't nothing new under the sun! #3. Why can't WE at the very least respect the positive and encouraging words from this brother versus tearing him down over some videos of folks you ain't NEVER seen or heard from outside those same videos? The mere fact he is here to Promote a POSITIVE IMAGE for black folk, SHARE insightful KNOWLEDGE with black folk, yet some feel allegations make all that null & void? Bottom line you ain't out here scamming multiple people and still taking speaking engagements and giving interviews otherwise your belief in the justice system is horribly flawed, in thinking brothers getting passes on prosecution, FOH!!! Lastly in this long winded comment, Black folk if we are NOT willing to engage one another in terms of an ECONOMIC platform we're doomed! I ain't as concerned with 45 as I am These fake ass black preachers that only hit the hood a couple days a week to feed their greed or these OLD ASS black politicians that we keep electing and in office for decade after decade without our condition improving if not worse under their leadership! Time for some New & Fresh ideas, doing the same and expecting different results, INSANITY! We got some choices to make that will determine what our future fate will be, choose wisely!!!

Black Ops Classified And Stuff says:

adopt character traits from recieving an organ. holy hell. i used to like this guy

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