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Dr Claud Anderson: Integration was the worst thing to happen to black folks

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This is a sneak peak from the upcoming film, “Financial Juneteenth: The resurrection of black America,” featuring Dr Claud Anderson and Dr Boyce Watkins. To learn more, please subscribe at DrBoyceWatkins.net.


a.d.w. n. says:

I don't know about this. I've always thought it was the downfall of the black family.

James Harden says:

Absolutely!!!…100 SALUTE

Cadmar Business Suite says:

I respect this thought provoking perspective. First and foremost, those in power want to remain in power. Therefore, there never was an aim to bring economic parity to black people. Moreover, I fail to see integration as the problem but rather our failure as black people to capitalize on it. We as black people need to connect and distribute our products and services virtually and globally to increase our knowledge base, strategies, and our ability to compete in the marketplace. Unless we have integration, how else will black people find out what our counterpart thinks, initiate a countervailing plan, and infiltrate.

Segregation has not ended nor is it the solution. Our solutions begin in a transformation of our mindset and being intentional to gain wealth. You have black people clustered in project dwellings, segregated from the main stream population, and prosperous black people who live in Texas and Atlanta yet the money is not circulating from black people to other black people in comparison to other ethnicities. Even more so, black people are not positioned by way of influence to gain privy access to where the larger deals and decisions are being made. We must demand our just due.

We as black people need to begin by helping ourselves first and when necessary use integration to accomplish this. Our conversations need to be about how to increase our net worth and assets, to become very clear on the value that we bring to the marketplace and how to get compensated from it. Unfortunately, many of us waste our time talking about trivial matters and trends involving beauty, entertainment, and things without a generational impact. It is time for us start learning STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), stocks and bonds, real estate, tax strategies, and how to gain money from compounding interest off of the services and products that white people use most (since there are more of them than there are of us in the US). We need to wage war through an economical front and take dominion in the areas of technology, religion, education, politics, sports and entertainment, media, government, and business. We have no excuse.

Many immigrants come to the US in abject poverty yet because they have a plan, a focus, and perseverance to do whatever it takes to build a business, their families and respective ethnic communities they become wealthy and are the ones in the power position to employ us. We as black Americans are perishing because we need a right vision, a focus, and a united commitment to collaborate to achieve the goal of wealth and stability by being a door opener for one another. It is when we walk in truth that we can heal our families and build our communities.

Sun Storm says:

Oh yeah — having more freedom regarding where you can live and who you can associate with is "the worst thing to happen to black folks". :^/ Suuuure. Even worse than slavery I guess. Here's a clue: if having more freedom is a bad thing, it's not the freedom that is bad, it's that you're too damn stupid to make the most of that freedom. There are other ethnic groups out there who have the same freedoms as you, yet they seem to somehow be doing okay.

You need to realize that the worst thing to happen to black people in the modern age is the WOMEN have gone crazy… making long-term, deliberate relationships untenable, unfeasible, impossible… making the "broken home" kids grow up with STUPID VALUES that they either make up on their own or are fed by their moms ("christianity", "corporatism", vanity-worship, the obesity diet, etc.). THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE SEEING.

Tracee Johnson says:

Integration as far as schools are concerned, only took the Black people into White schools, very rarely did White children go to Black schools. Dr. Anderson is correct, if Blacks would have received Financial equality for Black schools instead of their children being bused out of their neighborhoods into white neighborhoods, maybe Black children would have gotten a great education then and now in in Black public schools. Think Black folks should have stayed working with the concept, separate, but equal.

Imin Hiscare says:

Yes, I do agree.

Steve A. Rhoden says:

Yes it did! Integration was preached by Dr. King during his lifetime, and liberation was preached by Malcolm X during his lifetime. Dr. Claude has said a mouthful. Integration in the United States especially had killed the black man and his overall clan. Some of us continue to depend on the services of white folk throughout our daily lives because some of us have become lazy and complacent with the white man's way of life and thinking when it comes to black folk. Once upon a time in history black people ruled this world. During these days the dark pigmentation of his skin color was a shallow thing. People were accustomed to the everyday dealings with black people in general. Today it seems as though some of us continue to walk backwards. Instead of depending on each other and the survival of black owned businesses, many of us are yet brainwashed by the everyday white man and his woman trying to make them feel that they should include us in their overall life and mode of living instead of catering to the real needs of each other. To me, this modern day systemic racism that is yet being displayed right in front of our faces each and everyday, and some of us are still brainwashed culprits of our ancient white ancestors who became rich and highly esteemed by the hard work and labor rendered through the hands of our slavebound black ancestors. As Mr. Watkins stated some time back, some of us will forever feed into the system of white supremacy through our own laziness or irrational thinking which continues to kill some of us mentally, physically, and spiritually.

Kimberly Valentino says:

oh god…here we go again with the racism…damn this shit just keeps on breeding…like roaches!

Lisa Askew-Kilpatrick says:

Dr Claude Anderson is a Talker and Not A Doer … #Period

What Action Has Upheld For Negros … NOTHING !!!

Only Thing He Wants Is For Everyone Just To Buy His Books !!!

christopher jones says:

Fuck you &, your "redistribution of wealth."

That ain't gonna happen!

Mr. O says:

The lot of you wanted to integrate with whites and be accepted by them so much, you forgot that laws don't change minds.

Flavatv98 says:

Claude Anderson was right about integration not dealing with the distribution of resources. However his analysis is flawed, Black people were never and are not now integrated. Nor was staying in segregation a better alternative.

Guardiann1 says:

This thought is challenging America's Caucasian-centrism…exactly what African-Americans need in the present day. Dr. Anderson is exactly right…integration destroyed not just blacks finanicially(by sinking our businesses), but mentally, changing us from a proud, self-sufficient people to a minority clinging to hope of being accepted, trying to fit in the default mold of Caucasians.

Joe Davola says:

Didn't integration come about because white people were trying to help disadvantaged black people?

Steviyah 4 says:

Well, forced integration in the western world was formed by and implemented by the enemy, baphomet-worshipping, freemasons, such as: ashkenazi-khazars and romans, in order to trick and destroy American Black People. It worked!!!!!

Damon Dee says:

Blacks integrated "socially" but not economically sadly he is right

Samore Toure says:

We should had listen to Malcolm X who was against integration

John Martin says:

this man is blaming others because he didn't do well in life, he also looks serious and dosent smile

Mmm Hyatt says:

No..NO love for NONE of em..but since y'all like being nosey all in BLACK folks business..FUCK U!!

Salma Seti says:

I totally agree!!!!

Renee Henderson says:

I am not anti white, but, even as a child, I hated integration. I just don't want to be around people who want to be around me. I remember black people in the 1950s and 1960s as hard working decent people. We were the salt of the earth. I never felt inferior to whites. I just felt like they were mean and needed to meet Jesus. I thought they had absolutely no understanding of the Lord and that was why they were so prejudiced. It seems to me that after integration many of us became too caught up in having what whites had, being where whites were, and doing what they did. This caused many to get sucked into lusting after anything we saw advertised on television. Hence, an increase in crime in our communities.

Crash Odo says:

At this point, if white people all decided to build space ships and move to mars… half of you niggas would be complaining about white flight and the other half would be complaining that they didn't build us a ship so that we can tag along.

Emma Emilien says:

Why can't I like this a thousand times?

2 NTR says:

Yeah especially considering it's very likely that most native black Americans are Indigenous Americans distinct from Native Americans read book THE-PALEO AMERICAN by Neser Em Neheh Ali. Little known, much disputed and suppressed facts hard to refute.

Pamela Taylor says:

he aint lying

Ginger Lay says:

I have truly felt this way.

Big H says:

I agree! But unfortunately if blacks had not integrated it would not have been any better. Black wall street was a great example. Any positive accomplishments by blacks would either been destroyed or spied upon by the white government(aka civil rights movement) j Edgar Hoover.There's no way of knowing

Vanessa Jones says:

I really do believe our so call black leaders have sold us out.

Craig Harper says:

No dislikes for the truth

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