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The Real Black History they don’t want you to Know!

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When Blacks Ruled the World via
Legrand H. Clenn ll & Dr. Charles S. Finch assistant professor from the Morehouse School of Medicine speaks on Isis OsirisNefertari and the real black history that they dont teach you in school or in the world but what do you expect when you learn from your enemy, BLACK POWER!!


kiel says:

Also seriously like to point out an this is metaphorical but oh so true, if your black white yellow or brown 99.99999% of us are what they used to refer to as field niggas. And dont take offence because we just farmed animals kind of free range at moment but all this terrorism may end that lol

kiel says:

I got one for you all to think about. White man classed black man as a animal they even had black people in zoo's. Now as a white man I know my white ancestors used to like eating new kinds of animals. oh n before boom stick came about you know Africa was full of white slaves. Now thats our history.

Candy Ally says:

hold up wait a minute so american white people are really from europe then how are they speaking English then

Sonny Senior says:

We're not from africa!

Jeff Windsor says:

This is beyond laughable, it's frightening! The Negro has been proven to be a modern runt sub-species of human. They have no history simply because there isn't one! The Negro is devoid of all the basics other humans have invented or discovered and enjoyed for tens of thousands of years.

Blacks have no evidence, absolutely ZERO evidence, of the wheel, a written language, agriculture or even a weaved cloth!

Termites have left more evidence of civilization in Sub Saharan Africa than than the Negro!

Glacier Monkey says:

Dominic Dowuona-Hammond real talk

WeAliensAreAbout ToInvadeTheEarth says:

I have an important message for sodomite males, we are NOT your brothers! Kneel down and kiss the feet of the black man next to you, and only then will God save a seat for you as a white man. Heaven isn't meant for your kind.

Prof. Hyme Rabinowitz says:

Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa – rich beyond the dream of a poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter be necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.

-Charles Darwin

Person i wanna say something back too says:

We waz kangs anf shiieet

Erik Schneider says:

This is racist af

James Green says:

You can't get away from the fact that none of the pictures or statues look like blacks


We ALL have nasty barbaric ancestors, and I doubt the white ones were any worse than the black, yellow, red, or purple ones (though a case could be made for the occasional orange one). We need to get over it and move on don't you think ?

Aleksandra Laksa says:

omg you people are so racist. Now i can see what u really think about us(white people). On the street, shop, everywhere you so quiet but on the internet and between each other you just so fake to us. Most of the black people in England talking shit about the country, that in Jamaica and Africa they had a much better life. So why are they staying in England? huh? Taking benefits and using the country like shit? Omg u people are so funny. You even trying to say the religion is fake bcause u want to show how powerful is black? Omg. I dont wish nothing bad for no one. But everyone who do bad they will be punished soon. Such a shame of u people.

Milt says:

Egypt land of the blacks wasn't reference to color. Blacks were Egyption; however, that was for the river. America made it where Europeans were called, "White" and African descents/Aboriginals were called, "Black". Africans then considered their self by tribe and identified their physical features by African, East African, or other ethnic groups… the what is known as the, "black" race in the U.S. is very diverse.

Sir Archibald Pembroke III says:

Bahahahahaha stupid niggers actually believe this!?! We wuz kangs an shiiiit!

Erica Jones says:

we are unique and smart

jax jax says:

the original Jews were black then?

Glacier Monkey says:

EBONY EXOTIC "the native Americans" in the reservations are euroasian inbreeds (getting rid of the ebonoid DNA so they came claim the land….The eurocentric system is diabolical towards black people. The are kicking black people out of the Cherokee tribes and white people are behind it.

Glacier Monkey says:

EBONY EXOTIC most black born in America have a percentage of Mongoloid in them and most the "original Native Americans" we're Ebonoid/Mongoloids before the europeans arrived​. The slave on the boats were Irish.

Julian the Apostate says:

Ayo hol up! So you be sayin' we wuz kangs n' shiet?

Albert Proctor says:

false prophet there's 2 different types of Geno jeans African blacks are not Israelites

HAHAHAHA send to jim!!! haha! says:

fuckin nigs lol

Mean Veckor says:

I learn something new today, I ran and got my note pad!!

Kendall Sweatshirt says:

West Africa.
Dhar Tichitt 2000 BC
A series of hundreds of stone built cities and towns surrounding an ancient lake in modern Day Mauritania.
Dhar Nema
Dhar Oualata
Kintampo complex 2500 BC
Ugwuele 2935 BC
Djenne 250 BC
Gao 100 BC
Niani 100 BC
Timbuktu 500 BC
Igbo Uwku 100 BC
Lle Ife 400 BC
Koumbi Saleh 300 AD
Ouadane 1000 AD
Sadia 300 BC
Senegambia Stone circles 300 BC
Largest cluster of Monolithic stone structures the world.
Central Africa
Sao civilization 500 BC
Agisymba 50 AD "Mentioned by Romans"
East Africa
Jebel Barkal
"Sudan has more pyramids than Egypt"
and dozens more sites
Horn of Africa
and Obviously the Swahili coastal cities

I'm pretty sure I left some out too. So thats basically every major city or settlement from sub Saharan Africans. No need to say the Whole of North Africa or Egypt was black plenty of black history elsewhere.

Sister Girl 411 says:

we are from Jerusalem israelunite.org Negro makes no sense

Mr. Me says:

why there nose is always missing

Gabriel Anaya says:

I watched nine minutes before I felt like vomiting, what nonsense.

nomadic traveler says:

Love this video…

Third Testament Truists says:

Head to the Society of Universal Enlightened Knowledge to actually learn. The true Black race of this planet is NOT created — not created by some god in the book called bible — not from the Adam and Eve story you've been conditioned to know as your truth.

