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Professor Griff Exposes Jay-Z and Beyonce

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Professor Griff shares his opinion on music heavyweights Jay-z and Beyonce


Christopher Morrissey says:

HAHA fellas Beyoncé was (is) a boyonce….. cant hide the fake pregnancy.

Whatj says:

Why are blacks Muslim? I would never worship a religion that brought about the slaughter and enslavement of 10s of thousands of my people.

Howard Kline says:

Would you go to a dentist with a mouth full of rotten decayed teeth? Ya hear me? Messenger must live the message.

Howard Kline says:

Sleepy ass radio host. Shit flew way over his head. Nigga on the cush. Lol

kathleen devaney-jin says:

Love your videos, keep them coming.

Daniel Glencross says:

The White race is to powerful always have been always will be. The whites are breeding the black race to extinction. White men are the kings of this planet.

jazy 686 says:

I rather just listen to griff I can't really listen to zaza she doesn't believe in God she says she's a God PFFFT!

Daniel Glencross says:

Mr Griff is a closet homo. He love's the white cock.

Yolanda Jenkins says:

Jay -Z is Nothing But A Hypocrite ….

Yolanda Jenkins says:

Yes…. It is Something Wrong with Interracial relationships. ….Your supposed to stay with your own Nation …We as Black People was taught that from Birth …and it's Nothing But The TRUTH. …

GhettoTv says:

love this..Peace To Positive Vibrations

dmoney668 says:

Beyoncé fukn SUUUCKS

Aileen K. Douglas says:

So glad l am awake here in this moment of now, and l teach my children to use their third eye to see truth , and go inside for answers.They know that there is definitely a gay agenda being pushed in the hip hop industry. I believe GOD is within each one of us. Illuminati= not illuminated…….we are all illuminated beings knowing this helps to see the truth in everything/ everyone that is before you. With that said they see/hear the subliminal messages that are being targeted at the youth, and they understand what's really going on

NewAgeNote says:

i Do Not Agree with her Views onHomosexuality!

G2G.TV says:

zaza is what i call gorgeous. 1

Kevin Snowden says:

You know…. I started learning the 5% lessons back in 84. I was "Enlightened" by old drug dealers, dope fines, & crack heads. I ran with young "Gods" that robbed shot & cut people with box cutters. I would have been dead, in jail, broke or strung out on drugs if I listened & stuck with these lame ass dumb h.s. drop out mfs. Don't profess teachings you can't live everyday of your life. Some of my friends were shot dead because they believed they were dying as martyrs of war, while being shot by another "God"!!! At least Jay Z is creating some black businesses & jobs or at least some hope for young blacks. Jay has made a lot of money for himself & many otherwise would be broke ass rappers. If they're not investors & are financially illiterate then that's not Jay's problem. What's that Old Saying??? "A fool & his Money quickly part ways!!" The NOI & 5% can't get along even with the same teachings. And both Orgs r broke $$$ and complaining all God Damn day about a White man. Who wants to leave the House of God on a Sunday Angry with the 1st White person they see because of what they heard an hour ago in the "House of God"!!! That's too much negative energy & That's not Healthy, considering stress is the #1 killer of black folks. Look at Kanye's condition this past month. Meanwhile the minister got his hand in your pockets while he has control over ur emotions. Psychological Warfare???? Please!!!! Since the 80's up to present day, Both organizations as well as the Church have shown financial incompetence, financial negligence & breach of fiduciary duties in handling tax free public donations while living outlandish life styles and patronizing the "so-callled devil" with millions of dollars for Rolls Royces, Mercedes Benzes, & Huge Mansions all over America. The people at the bottom in both of these organizations are angry and broke as hell. It's no different from the pyramid triangles in Egypt , the pyramid on the back of a dollar, the b.s. Amway product selling pyramid scheme in the name of Christ, or the old pyramid game show that use to appear on tv. Narcotics Anonymous triangle pyramid saying goes "The Broader The Base, The Higher The Point Of Freedom". So they encourage you to recruit "Addicts". N/A is another Occulted group as well. Look at Triangle of gov't. The 3 sides r represented by 1.Judicial branch 2. Legislative branch, & 3. Executive branch. It's all a game like 3 card monte. "Now you see it, Now you don't!!!" Hate is now big business!!!! These "Pro Black Anti White orgs" channel that energy toward White People every Sunday with the same old ass speeches and offer no solution to the same shit we've been complaining about since 1930. But you Better Pay Taxes, Tithes, & Zakat. The1st amendment says, Separation of Church & State. Why? Because Government & Religion r subconsciously big businesses & the biggest slave owners on the planet. It will soon be 100 yrs since Master Fard 1st exposed the teachings brother. What the fuck has changed??? Give me a fucking break!!!!

Bethany.B. says:

this is a good video, but I do not agree with what's being said about inter racial relationships. Its not setting anyone back it actually helps us to appreciate one another and understand different cultures. There are some people who rather keep it in "their race" but not realizing your blood line was probably mixed somewhere down the line especially if your race was once enslaved. To each its own but I do NOT like people blaming our communities issues on people who fell in love with someone who isn't from where they are from. And that's putting it in very simple terms.

Kevin Gentle says:

Griff, i fall asleep alot of nights listening to you and Booker T. Keep coming with it.

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