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Dr. Khallid Muhammad interviewed by Phil Donahue (part1)

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Dr. Khallid Muhammed speaking on several topics in regards to the liberation of Africans in the Diaspora and on the Continent.


Eyeswideopen Truth says:

He was absolutely right
Jesse Jackson’s a Bitch Ass Coon Mothafucka

Darryle Waggoner says:

Again, I know this is old but this is a hate monger and an embarrassment to the black race. He will one day have to answer to the one true God who's name is Jehovah not allah.

João Miguel says:

this guy as some juice… (not all white are the same) in fact black guys robb more black guys than whites do, look at Angola government

Johnnice Milton says:

The only nigga up on that stage is him

James Nicholls says:

Two wrongs don't make a right, you fucking clown.

Ebony Eyes says:

They were scared of this man.

Edward Amadeus Alexander says:

Ask this greasy cunt what 'his people' have ever created, then ask him what the evil white folk have created.

CrazyAlify says:

That is one shiny ass head

Nunya Bidness says:

It's a known fact that Donahue rehearsed his questions with this monster in advance of recording the show. And notice how Donahue NEVER rebuts the statements made by the monster, giving him the flip side and filling in the omitted facts, in other words, "the rest of the story". All he does is move on to the next rehearsed question, giving the monster an open platform to give his rehearsed answers on.

JJ says:

give this black man a fucking towel

debra obrien says:

hes a nasty old bastard

Malcolm Khalid Garvey Turner says:

love this brotha right here long live Khalid Mohammad

hueyloois says:

doctor of coonology

Mickey Bu says:

Silly spade.

philbeha says:

this bloke is mentally ill!!

hopeton harrell says:

A Legend He Is…

Wiltracy Wjorn says:

This guy is a Bond villain

Vipr Bay says:

where did this animal come from and who let him on tv this is a evil scum bag who will only go to one place when he dies

SPITelevision says:

love this brother here !

Juliette Ashmore says:

Guys got a massive chip on his shoulder!  Move on dude.

Chris Burton says:

Now just to begin with, i'm white… And had a pretty shit life so far to be honest!
And after watching this, I have to say although I disagree with all the obvious stuff, racism, murder, discrimination etc (especially baby killing) he certainly fights his corner well and seems to be an extremely intelligent men. But we're in a different age now, the world is moving on, people are learning death is not the answer to trivial disputes. What happened in the past happened in the past, and i'm sure he and the rest of his followers don't like the fact that it looks like white people got the best of life while they could and then said "right that's enough, we have morals now, no more killing and invading please". Almost like getting bullied at school and realising, once a man, you never got your own back and you never will because it wouldn't be tolerated in adult society. One thing that is is starting to worry me is how so many men like him have so much hatred for white people. Me for one have been brought up within a very culurally diverse evironment, that's normal to me, foriegn people do not appear out of place here and I respect everyone the same way. Like when you bring dogs and cats up together, that's a nice analogy right. I even try harder to appreciate people from other countries because of stigma attached to our nation and its embarrasing past. White people are probably now the most anti-racist, to be honest there can't be many words or phrases left in the Engish language that a white British person can say without being acused of being a racsist. And I don't mean by black people neither! Your own brother, sister, teacher, manager etc will at some point acuse you of being a racist! Since we're on words don't you find it funny how for many young black men feel the noun "n*gga" can be used by a black man (as a noun), but a white man can't even use it quoting a black man hehe… Well isn't that discrimination to a T (I must say some, not all, I hate to generalise). Anyway, we shouldn't have to pay for what our ancestors did, the people of todays generation are not the people of yesterdays. It's as simple as that. I don't agree with half the stories my dad tells me about my grandad, but I still don't have the power to go back and say "stop Grandad, don't hit Nanna, don't threaten Dad with a machete" lol. I wish someone would just read this out to every militant racist left. They are the children of today society!

Zombehnation1001 says:

Are all this guys sweat glands in his fucking head?

undergroundbasement says:

I had to look up what year this was, 1994, before political correctness turned into a runaway train. Donahue and other talk show hosts up until around the mid-90's never would abbreviate by saying "N-word"  as ALL talk show hosts today say when they get to it. This got me into thinking about the old Dean Martin Celebrity Roast show that ran from 1974 to 84 and there were quite a few black celebrities on that show during it's run.

KatherinVII says:

this is a worm infested diseased brain talking,  Bellevue is a more appropriate place for such rotting and stinking grey matter

John Kimble says:

Whites were fucking saints compared to the muslims in the way they treated blacks. And yet this retard choose to follow Islam. You know why the USA has a 10% African population and the Middle East has almost no black people? Because black slaves were sterilised in the Middle East. 

afterlife101spirit says:

Vile hate filled person.

john smith says:

what a horrible human being preaching hate and murder

unknown says:

General racism against caucasians per default and spreading that racism is something that was one of his main issues.

However, that being said: any person with any reasonable thinking would agree about the point he made about SouthAfrica.
Any reasonable caucasian can tell that even now there is lot of discrimination against the african population even now!
In their own country!

Solution is not violence though, and definitely not with 24h warning.

World needs great minds with heart in right place and with african background!
Great people who know how to lead and how to make things right, in smart ways!

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