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Professor James Smalls & IG Part 1 – “Homosexuality in the Black Community”

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Che Blak arranged an interview with Professor James Smalls and the Irritated Genie of Soufeese in which they discuss the “Homosexual” agenda and how it’s being used to destroy the Black community.


MattFrame says:

The men is this video are exhibiting a crippling level of ignorance and delusion.

Doctor MindBenDa says:

Well….My eye test, my ear test says ol' professor here has a nice serious dose of sugar in that tank! He has knowledge, he has wisdom but the devil is a LIAR! Like grandma use to say: "THEY GOT THE DEVIL IN EM!"

Vernal Scott says:

Oh, I get it now. You guys are talking about Eddie Long and the black church when you should be talking about stopping black on black gun crime, which claimed nearly 800 lives in Chicago alone in 2016. Homosexuality? Doh!!!

Vera mickey says:

But this is what they do they molest these kids and then our boys are turned out thinking its okay

Stephanie Stevenson says:

Telling people…stop getting drunk… Ahomosexual colleague a long time ago and he said he lived to go out and conquer the strongest, most manly man in the bar, play to the greed for drink, until he's drunk, a ride home and it's a wrap. This man who's been turned out will take a life to keep the secret, will do anything to live in denial and will even fight you til the death so he can prop up the cognitive dissonance that is collapsing all around. These are the people who will defend homosexuality but of course, they'll say they're not into it, no bro or sis, you been turned, that's why you got your mouth turned up, exceedingly vindictive, angry, vulgar…Why do you think people get hostile when you even suggest that you disagree with homosexuality, even if you tell them you still care about them…that's not acceptable, they literally need you to state your agreement or show it so they can maintain a state of denial…Stop getting drunk, people.

EarthAngel says:

lol. The look on Brother Irritated Genie's face @16:55.. PRICELESS lol

Thomas Carroll says:

I'm a biology and science guy. And I understand anatomy and physiology. From what I know about the Human rectum and the other organs of the body. Is that the rectum is a vault for fecal matter to be expelled through the anus. So it actually makes no sense to have a BBC inserted into my rectum,or any other orifice. I must say this those who do allow a BBC inserted into their rectum is a very brave person. I must say.

T74G says:

professor Smalls is the MAN!!! His research and presentation is fantastic!!

brown buter says:

lol as a gay black man , i would love for this channel to get deleted by youtube by way of the gay super power organizations …..this channel is a virus and a separatist channel..this channel is a hate channel

ዳዊት ሓጸረ ባረከ ወልደ ትንሣኤ says:

A homo giving a discission with a self admitted employee of the Department of Homeland Security. Wow.

Kevin Boone says:

Response to Mr. John Thomas/about ending his comments on this subject/7.16.16 —- Fine. There is much with which I can agree; read my other comments. You're an ideologue who sounds good, until the whole message is examined, as some of the assumptions —- healthy loads of B.S., reflect ignorance, which helps derail your purpose. You speak of "true people" and "true freedom fighters." Your African and Black homosexual sisters and brothers are for real, they're freedom fighters, and you won't be allowed to render them invisible. As usual, they'll be at the table. You have NO POWER to deny it or them. ALL Black Lives Matter. Peace, my freedom fighting brother. I wish you, and yours, a conscious, healthy, wonder-filled life, as it's a good time 'To Be Young, Gifted & Black." The stars are coming into alignment. And we had better take advantage of it.

Frank Sutton says:

I'm not 100% sure Prof James Smalls isn't Homosexual or BiSexual. he sounds and moves very camp if you watch him. That would explain his obsession with the "Gay agenda" he is compensating for something.
I say this with Love, I have gained much info from this brother.

Black Intelligence 9.0 says:


Antoin Asap says:

I respect some pointers in regard to the homo sexual war on the african diaspirah community. but has made an inaccurate mistake sephardic jews are not ethnicly connected to the ashkenazim. They area separate people with a totally different cultures. plus the kazars were a central Asian race of hunnic, Mongolian origin who later mixed with europeans.

Candy Williams says:

Fuck you subscribe

Linda Banks says:

Thank you for this informative video. Peace

John Thomas says:

These homos have no talking points to justify how homosexuality benefits Black people in the long term or short term. But we Blacks who have self love know what homos and European culture does to negatively affect blacks in the long and short term.

slimeronio says:

genie got gay on the brain 24-7 poor boy.

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