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Black Wall Street – The Deadliest Mass Shooting in American History

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The mainstream media would have you believe that the Las Vegas Shooting is the deadliest mass shooting in American History. But, Black Wall Street was destroyed by Tulsa whites in 1921 simply because the blacks were prospering. America needs to confront our history of violence against Native American Indians, African Americans, and many of those around that world that had interests that competed with ours.


Tharealtharowkilla says:

"History is a set of lies agreed upon" – Napoleon

Michael Smith says:

This world is so full of evil, we are all human whether we are white,black,blue or brown we all feel pain and bleed red…. We all need to wake up and take care and help one another instead of kill each other…. Stop listening to what the media is telling you and get out there and make a difference…… IF WE ALL TRY AND PUT FORTH AN EFFORT ,CHANGE WILL HAPPEN!!!!!

mike b says:

TO MR CARLIN AND ANY ONE ELSE READING…..This comment may be a bit long but check it out…..I PROMISE YOU WILL LEARN SOMETHING !!!…..I was in Tulsa OK last summer, and I walked the sidewalks paved with the thousands of engraved bronze bricks…..Each single brick listing the information of a Company name and owner of the black owned business that once occupied the Greenwood downtown district of Tulsa OK…..We are talking street after street !!!…..I was there for the God Box seminar, by David Banner at the African American Museum……You're right Mr .Carlin….. It was more deaths than whats being reported…..The angry white racist mob also killed black mixed indians and native american families that where in business with african americans….Fun fact that will scramble your brain……The R&B group from the 1970's named the "GAP BAND" from Tulsa OK…..Made a hit record called "YOU DROPPED A BOMB ON ME"…….little did the world know at that time, they wrote the song referring to the BLACK WALL ST BOMBINGS…..when the local Tulsa government took the battle to the air and dropped sticks of dynamite from box planes on black americans who fought back against the angry racist white mob….Thats what the song "YOU DROPPED A BOMB ON ME" is truly talking about …..That same government, local, state, and federal refuses to admit that the 1st bombing on american soil was americans on americans……they also refused to give those black families who were effected by that atrocity any reparations ……Just listen to the great Gap Band hit song and get a quick history lesson!…..Peace and blessing to you Mr. Carlin, for not being afraid to share the truth with your listeners, just like our brothers, Malcom X, Gary Webb, Tupac Shukar, Michael Ruppert, The Real Rick Ross, Fred Hampton, and Russell Poole…..Power to righteous people!!!

john alkh says:

Real shyt and makaveli records was gonna be under it the powers had too take em out they were too much

S Robinson says:

Sad….taking pictures with dead bodies like trophies!!! Smh

Charles Robbins says:

Good job brother

Sun Zoo says:

Don't forget police dropping bombs on Operation MOVE in Philly in 1985…and….they had a BLACK mayor at the time (Wilson Goode)!
Some get jobs that oblige them to conform….some get diseases (funny how the Tuskegee experiment brings Eric "Eazy E" Wright to mind) while others get murdered when a statement is required to keep folk in line. Make no mistake – a war been going on for many years but many are unaware because they assume media wouldn't lie or cover up ugly truths.

Jamil Woodard says:

First terrorist attack on American soil. #facts

Tellep Martin says:

Thanks for all you do !

Causmo aka D-Will says:

what happened to the Snoop Dogg video you made the other day?

Tharealtharowkilla says:

I heard about this a few months ago…makes you think if they are capable of doing that to people….
Then 9/11 ….or anything else…it's nothing to them ….they will kill 100's or 1000's of their own people to keep their power, the status quo. ..not just abroad but at home too

Yoel Dawit says:

Ive been thinking about this recently. 1898 Wilmington, N. Carolina was horrific as well.

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