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Ashra Kwesi Explains the Invasions and Battles of Kemet Egypt from the Ancient Temples

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sw8741 says:

Hate to bursts every ones bubble so I'll just leave this here…..


Seems Ancient Egyptians aren't from Africa at all.

Mana Rikihana says:

there land was taken from them

Mana Rikihana says:

arabs and white man ruined egypt

Mana Rikihana says:

all of you dick heads on here Africa mother fucker regardless what you say they were not white

Vash The Stampede says:

"In other words the ancient Egyptians were true Negroes of the same stock as all the autochthonous peoples of Africa and from the datum one sees how their race, after some centuries of mixing with the blood of Romans and Greeks, must have lost the full blackness of its original color but retained the impress of its original mould." -18th Century Historian Count Constantine de Volney

Mario Formosa says:

This man is a West African with probably some White admixture.The idiot should tell Egyptians that he is an Egyptian. What an A-H!   Before he holds himself out as an expert on Egypt he should know where his own ancestors came from.. 

Having been in Egypt a few times he should know that the 70 million Egyptians call people who look like him "abid" not in an insulting way but because of his ancestors' profession Abid means slaves

Bruce John Wayne says:

Why is this west African talking about Asians and Berbers being Foreign to Egypt

pharaoh says:

My question is how is Libya foreign to africa being that it's west of Egypt you mention the Libyans as if they are a foreign people to Egypt

Vash The Stampede says:

"the people of Colchis must be Egyptians because like them they are black-skinned and wooly-haired." (Herodotus History, Book II.) The interesting thing about what Herodotus wrote is that had he believed the Egyptians to be any color other than Black (like other Africans), he could have chosen other Greek words than the one he chose (Melaschroes). If Herodotus thought the Egyptians were white he would have used leucochroes. Had they been simply "brown", he may have used phrenychroes, but he chose the word melaschroes, Black-skinned.

Brian Monahan says:

Raging anger behind his voice! Raging! raging Anger! Loud! Mr T chill please.

Mario Formosa says:

Who know? You might find an 85,000 year-old guitar!!!

prolaser says:

You're a massive cunt bore off

Mario Formosa says:

Yes I've got a postage stamp from Adam's Republic. But that's nothing. There is a 250,000 year-old city there too.

prolaser says:

Ashra is a tour guide & has been to Kemet for the last 32 years. You are a mere internet troll. Africans will tell there own story and there is nothing you can do about it. So just keep hating – take it to the grave with you.

prolaser says:

Amharic Speakers are Negriods bell end.
Adam's Calendar is a 75000 year-old stone calendar found in Mpumalanga. Southern Africa
Blombos Cave Prehistoric Rock Art dating back to the Mousterian period of the Middle Paleolithic era 70,000 BCE

Mario Formosa says:

Obviously the obelisks were taken, otherwise there would be no point. Yet I also wonder why they don't build obelisks in Detroit, Baltimore etc.

Yes the Amharic (who never claimed to be the ancestors or descendants of Egyptians or any of that crap) have a wonderful Christian civilization, obviously with the Middle East being its fountain head. Unfortunately Amharic speakers are being ethnically cleansed at the moment from outlying areas by envious Negroids.

Mario Formosa says:

"the Ancient Egyptians also built with mud" According to BlackCentric theory when the Egyptians were kicked out by "the Arabs" they improved their mud techniques to the high level of that found not only in sub-Saharan Africa but to the Negritos of the Philippines, to the cannibals of Papua New Guinea etc. But I would say that the acme of sub-Saharan civilization is that of the Mursi.

prolaser says:

African proverb: Until the lion learns to speak, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter

prolaser says:

You do know the Ancient Egyptians also built with mud ? One of many cultural similarities with other African Kingdoms
Axum Kingdom. The Axumite Obelisk 1,700 year old, 24 metre tall, 160 tones. The only Obelisks in Europe are the ones stolen from Africa.
Lalibela 11 megalithic Churches

Mario Formosa says:

I don't know, I don't know. I have seen quite a few of the amazing 2,000 year-old Fayum portraits These show the genius of Greek portraiture and are unlike the two dimensional previous Egyptian paintings. Beautiful faces, difficult to tell Greek from Jew from Egyptian. Curly hair, Caucasoid faces you could well find a brown-eyed Elizabeth Taylor there. No one looked like Kwesi's sheep

Mario Formosa says:

They only have wannabeism. Mind you there are real Blacks living on the fringes of Asia (Philippines, Malaysia, India, Pakistan) with same level of civilization evidenced by the ubiquitous mud hut architecture of sub-Saharan Africa.

But then Black "Drs" started saying "Stuff your West Afrikkka" We are entitled to Egypt, Moorish Spain, Central Mexico, Israel like we are entitled to welfare, affirmative action and changing cities to Detroits, Baltimore, Birmingham, Oakland"

prolaser says:

African Americans have more of a connection to Kemet than Yul Brynner, Liz Taylor or that little faggot from Night in the Museum.

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