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Dr. John Henrik Clarke Interview

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An analysis of the history of Africa as compared to Western civilization. European scholars asserted that the so called ‘Egyptians’ were non-African until C. Diop’s melanin pigmentation test on Pharoes proved otherwise.


Frederick Guerin says:

White folks kill me with this arrogance ,that you white folks created every thing worth while in the world. The only thing you white folk created was White Supremacy RACISM AND HATE FOR NATURE.

Ray Mond says:

if you blacks created the foundation for all civilizations, as u claim, then how come you blacks never created any civilizations in southern parts of Africa? we find only primitive peoples in southern parts of Africa.

Clive Hewitt says:

The term middle east is a contemporary geographical term.In the ancient world there was no place referred to as the middle east.The general term given to that region in Biblical times was Mesopotamia. All that region from India back to Egypt Africans lived. Checkout some ancient maps.

Clive Hewitt says:

All the stated civilizations rose and declined and have left evidence of the people that created it. No one is denying the contributions that other ethnic groups have made.It is only the un-educated people saying that Africans did not contribute. Just look geographically where Egypt is located. North East Africa. Please read Martin Bernal's book Black Athena.

Clive Hewitt says:

MrMcGuire1000 man has been on this planet for much,much longer than the 6000 year that you have stated. You maybe referring to perhaps to 6000 years of recorded history or when the solar calendar had began to be used in Egypt. Please read MARTIN BERNAL book entitled BLACK ATHENA before you and greeny202a continue with your intellectual masturbation.

Clive Hewitt says:

MrMcGuire1000 you are correct when you say that not all Africans are black. African have the largest gene pool of any other people on this planet. Their hue (pigmentation) span the entire human complexions.It varies from region to region. Pure African's can have curly, wavey or even straight hair. There Noses can be flat or pointed. Their lips can be full or thin. The fact is European scholars have known these facts for ages.You do not have to be an afrocentric to state this.

Clive Hewitt says:

Mr Mcguire1000, There was no biological difference between Egypt and the Nubian's further up the river Nile. Even when the Roman's conquered Egypt it was still a black population given the fact that miscegenation was going on with the Greeks, Persians and others that conquered the land.

Clive Hewitt says:

So Kimberly Kimble, please inform us as to the real identities of the ancient Egyptians. And don't forget to include evidence.

Clive Hewitt says:

Ancient Kemet is located in north east Africa. It would be a biological mistake for any other people to have lived there except Africans. The Ancient Greeks stated that the Egyptians were black. It was only recently that European scholars began to lie about this fact. The evidence is clear, the pyramids are still located there.

Clive Hewitt says:

You are wasting your time seeking to re-educate white folks. You are better off sharing this information with your children.

htlewis07 says:

Whats the name of this documentary?

rob arm says:

so who is it?

Kimberly Kimble says:

That's debatable

jubileemama2000 says:

dude you are so right!! these ignorant trolls need to crawl back to their caves lol!!!

jubileemama2000 says:

what cave you crawled from? the first dynastic king is a king that went by the name narmer. and you will have to be blind and stupid to even dream that wasnt black african!! google image of narmer the first dynastic king of ancient kemet(egypt).

ALIENDNA14 says:

Phoenician7, you're an idiot by the way…. All of your books and sources are useless to an intelligent open-mind – sorry if you believe in myths and fairytales my friend:)

wattsr81 says:

Not only that, Its even documented in the hieroglyphs of how white people came and waged war in their efforts to try and claim Egypt. They got their asses kicked just about every time until they discovered (stole) the concept of guns and ships from China. I guess that is why they tried their BEST to chisel off all the noses and lips of all the Egyptian statues as well. Do yourself a favor and go find a Hitler video and comment where someone will agree with your stupidity.

wattsr81 says:

LOL A radiograph? Normally, I dont entertain ignorance, but this one actually humors me. Sorry to tell you but this debate has been settled long before you and I kid. Cheik Anta Diop DEMOLISHED these weak ass claims by analyzing the actual PIGMENT from the mummies (and they were black). Now there WERE several white invaders that took over Egypt and maybe that is who your "would be" doctor is referring to. But those people came exactly 13 dynasties AFTER the creation of Kemet. Sorry kid.

james moore says:

The whites they found were part of Alexander and his crew who used the arabs to undermine the africans and in the end the arabs got egypt and the africans were scatterd or sold into european slavery. I think as Dr.Clark stated arabs are not friends to the africans arabs are all about war and deception regardless of what any black muslim tell you don't sellout to the the arabs blacks should stand alone and recognize this just like the black egyptians did in the end but it was to late for them.

james moore says:

Roman europeans do not count as native africans or ancient natives of egypt. THESE people are ashamed of black egyptians banishing them from africa and there ashamed of there ice box cave history facts are facts and the ancient greeks are not lying about who they traded with ancient greece had a rich history so why would they lie about the orgins of the people they were trading goods and whatever else with in egypt makes not good sense now doesn't it.The romans invaded egypt but were not natives

james moore says:

Romans who invaded in the ladt dynasty of egypt do not count you have to be a native of that civilization or tribe to be that.The ancient greeks who traded and lived in that time documented them as native born africans and it stayed that way until Napoleon Bonaparte a die hard white supremacist from france decide he hated africans so much that he would alter history and label these pure africans with pure african features as europeans therefore calling the greeks liars who cant tell skin tone.

james moore says:

One must ask themself in all honesty while was he forbidden to take samples of the mummys d.n.a make you think a conspiracy to hide something is occurring but what is to be hidden.They could of easily shut him up by video taping him taking the samples and with all that security surrounding the valley of the kings im shure a negroe couldn't try any funny business so as far as im concern is he's right until he proving wrong and made to look like a fool on Aljezera television media so again watsup.

james moore says:

No large doses of melanin means you were not an inhabitant of ancient desert heated egypt sorry whitey this is a battle you have already lost.

orilocs says:

DNA has proven that Egyptians are Africans. Also look at the lips, nose & braided hair. This was before white people started inflating their lips. The skin colors are the range for Africans also. We Africans are not delusional just trying to redress historical lies told by Europeans.

Kimberly Kimble says:

Egypt was not a black nation, only the 25th dynasty was black.

MrMcGuire1000 says:

It has never been proved that Egypt was black, and for a very simple reason – it wasn't. It's a delusion that some American black people need to cling to, but no one else does. Want to see a good belly laugh? Try passing this nonsense off to a Chinese or Indian, someone not brought up having to give undue credence to black American delusions. In any event, if you ever develop an interest in REAL black societies, try looking to central and west Africa, where blacks actually lived.

wattsr81 says:

The ingorance in this room is disgusting… I understand that white supremacy makes white people believe that they were at the forefront of all civilization, but this is simply not true. Its been proven 1000 times over that there was a world before slavery that white people dont want to acknowledge because they were the inferior race. So they have to refute this to make it seem like they were always in control. Now, white people are trying to claim the history of Africa. Now that is hilarious.

wattsr81 says:

It has already been proven that Egypt was black… dont argue with us…argue with the pigment of the mummies and/or your would be historians that got their asses handed to them when they tried to prove otherwise. I know that it bothers you to have to acknowledge that your fabled history is a farce, but you need to get over it.

tj king says:

@peasah2005 that right keep telling are people the truth

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