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Khallid Muhammad vs. Wannabe Arab

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This is a masterpiece created by the MadBlackMan33


Darryl Jackson says:

Well!! The Original Arabs are Black! What he is worshiping is the usurpers of Islam (Persians, Byzantines, Turks). He is lost. Kemet is not the originator of Islam, but its cousin.

Atum-Re BEY says:

Teach Dr. Khalid!!! Teach!!!

Atum-Re BEY says:

Teach Dr. Khalid!!! Teach!!!

chi 5 says:

Ride On The Arabs like You Ride on the Crackers

tamara slaughter says:

I agree that we shouldn't worship other races but we shouldn't worship ourselves either. to GOD be the glory…not mankind. we still don't get it. I'm black but I'm surely not GOD or a god. I'm also Muslim but don't worship or uphold any Arab over me or mines, other than the Prophet saws. ..and that has nothing to do with his race but his message and GOD, the One and Only whom we all need and depend on. and you can't quote Quran to support your view and then discount it when your view isn't supported

Musa Digobo says:

thats that real talk right there!!!!KABA!!!!strg8 100% legit

Omer Fazal says:

Not good . I hope khalid came back home to real orthodox islam before his death.

Ps no body goes to mecca 8 times unless they love the place.

Now he's nothing but a soul.

Pineal Gland says:

Nice comparative analysis…..Wake us UP>>> We were spiritual beings and when we created religion, our DECLINE ensued…. !

WinterVein says:

Muslim Africans need to start to be more educated on their religous history, one of the prophet's most beloved sahabis was a black african. Arabic is a good language to understand islam, but Arabs are not the center of Islam, be more proud of your race, Allah wants all humans to be proud of themselves and their race, but not narcissistic

blackdragon176 says:

your spirit boils in me Khalid. YOU WILL NEVER DIE!!!!!!

Black Saiyan says:


Joey Jihad says:

u r a takfir mushrik dog of israle may allah send u to nowhere but hell u rascit nigger.. im north african bitch africans have more intelligence than u niggers..

mansamusa2012 says:

You're fucking moron. Arabs have a long history of killing Africans the genocide in the Sudan is proof alone how wicked you Arabs are. Blacks are the most racist? Blacks have never committed genocide against non blacks however, you Arabs and whites have. If any cult is racist it's your wicked Islam which was founded by a prophet that had molested children! Yeah he married a gilr that was not even 13! Plus, Muhammad was a racist murder he called blacks raisn heads read the hadifs

Joey Jihad says:

Man u need help did u say non black religion Islam is for all.. i swear black people r the most racists people alive as an Arab i have many Muslim friends from all over Africa and Europe so stfu and leave Islam alone continue with your witchcraft racists cult but leave Islam alone..


True, the White Arab did. Real Arabs are black.

king judah says:

the arabs made black people slave before the white man

slol28 says:

sephardic jews are not arabs, they are the most closely related to the jews of rome greece and italy at that time..maybe spain too. but they are not related or descendant of arabs.

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