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100 African Cities Destroyed By Europeans, 1 of 4

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Phillip Mckenzie says:

You forget to mention that many of your "African" cities were built by invading Egyptian & Arab armies who also were & still are the largest slave takers & dealers on the planet. How convenient of you.

The Podfather says:

According to pastor manning africans never built anything

m.youtube.com says:

stolen history

alex droogy says:

OMG ! I have always been stunned and horrified that people believe in mythical crap like UFOs, King Solomon, Bigfoot, Religious Profits, Clairvoyants, Equality, & Flat Earth …. BUT NOW we have this ?????  A Black Master Race that had Great Cities with Universities and Hospitals throughout Africa, yet somehow was vaporized without leaving a single trace behind ? —– How does one even respond to such drivel ?

goagăl minus says:

I'm a romanian from eastern Europe and my country was raided and pillaged countless times by white and brown people, national treasure stolen, national identity reduced to ashes, but we always managed to rebuild our settlements and cities and get on with our lives. Why black people can't do the same ? Now they have the opportunity and they still chose to run their mouths instead of doing something for themselves.

Barka Negro says:

African, time wast, but time rise again.

Samt1958 says:

Speak the truth!!!! Brother speak it!

Mr. jones says:

Stop calling yourself black if you believe your ancestors were african slaves how did you then become black?

Ahamed Althaf says:

They did the same at Asia.

Ezrayah Hawkins says:

YAHWEH'S HOUSE IS RE-ESTABLISHED, AND IT'S HERE TO STAY!!! DEU.12:5-6 The Scriptures revealed that 4/5 of the earth population will be wiped out . When we do the math, around two billions will be saved. Whom so ever that take heed to the next paragraph will be included in the latter number. Yahweh's House (The Seventh Lamp) is revealing Yahweh's Truth in the Last Days, so Satan and the gods power of deception is diminishing. There is only One Way to Salvation and that is through repentance and conversion. In that way, only, will you have Right to the Tree of Life that Satan and her false prophets have cut mankind off from for almost 6000 years. Promised Protection and Blessings come with service to Yahweh. Isayah 2:2-4 ; Macahyah 4:1-4 and Hebrew 1:1-4. May Yahweh bless your understanding. Love, True Love yahwehsbranch.com

Ezrayah Hawkins says:

YAHWEH'S HOUSE IS RE-ESTABLISHED, AND IT'S HERE TO STAY!!! DEU.12:5-6 The Scriptures revealed that 4/5 of the earth population will be wiped out . When we do the math, around two billions will be saved. Whom so ever that take heed to the next paragraph will be included in the latter number. Yahweh's House (The Seventh Lamp) is revealing Yahweh's Truth in the Last Days, so Satan and the gods power of deception is diminishing. There is only One Way to Salvation and that is through repentance and conversion. In that way, only, will you have Right to the Tree of Life that Satan and her false prophets have cut mankind off from for almost 6000 years. Promised Protection and Blessings come with service to Yahweh. Isayah 2:2-4 ; Macahyah 4:1-4 and Hebrew 1:1-4. May Yahweh bless your understanding. Love, True Love yahwehsbranch.com

Hyeim Burnette says:

There’s more jungle in Europe and in Asia than there is in Africa in fact the Everglades by Poor portion there is more jungle in the Everglades than there is proportionally in Africa and that’s in Florida.

Mike Raymond says:

Make sure you guys are sharing these informations on social media back then we could not move information that's why slavery took as long as it did

Mike Raymond says:

Great stuff teach the new generation about their history advice them to search their roots get familiar with Africa so they don't lose themselves. The man bit is gold brother, the black race will be resurrected Africa will rise again and for good this time the only history they teach in u.s is European base world wars fight between themselves and British a bit of slavery not in a teaching way. Hell the teach the holocaust a whole lot better, they don't teach slavery in the sense it should be taught I mean I understand because 75-85 percent of the class is usually white or mix culture so I can see why, but it does not help our young blacks to know their roots and have a sense of pride in the black race. I encourage for black people to start learning about Africa don't rely on the media be proactive and do your research.

yisuky says:

Most éventent today is the rapid decline of the pale man’s civilisation where modern man alike shall experience firsthand the demise, en fact, without careful observation reveals the anger, hate, murder that is committed upon all others, but mostly Yahawah Elohim’s Chosen people.

Carl James says:


Willie Daniel says:

people of color walk with Jehovah in the garden Eve ate that fruit Jehovah GOD punishment

Willie Daniel says:

Black people have no power to be Racist

Abd al-Rahman al-Ghafiqi says:

Cannibalism And Child Sacrifice Are Obvious Evils. Why Can’t Cultural Relativists Admit That?
Posted By Nirmal Dass On 4:09 PM 05/05/2018

The recent unearthing of the remains of sacrificed children in Peru highlights the widely known but little discussed topic of human sacrifice and cannibalism — especially of children — among native populations of the Americas.

This latest find is not unique. Evidence shows that humans were butchered and de-fleshed in the Nanchoc Valley, and at the Pyramid of the Moon, in the Moche River Valley, at the Piramide Mayor at Caral and at the Cave of the Owl in the Peruvian Upper Montaña. Human bones, charred and often shattered to extract the marrow, have been found at Los Gavilanes, Huaca Prieta, Asia, and Aspero — to name but a few places.

Further, the curious study of paleofeces, where coprolite (naturally preserved feces) is studied to determine the food available to ancient populations, shows the presence of human proteins, which can only come from consuming human flesh. Fecal samples are taken from various sites throughout the Americas.

Peru also preserves the earliest evidence of headhunting in all the three native cultures (the Paracas, the Nazca and the Huari). Given the dry climate, well-preserved heads have been found which show the process of ritual mutilation (the brain was removed through a hole in the forehead and the lips were sealed shut by two thorns). A similar practice existed among the Jibaro of Puerto Rico.

Nor is Peru unique in the practice of human sacrifice and cannibalism, for both were important features in all native cultures, throughout North, Middle and South America. Take for example, the Tiwanaku in Bolivia; the Tupi-Guarani of Brazil; the gathering of Inca children (usually little girls) as tax payment who were then sacrificed.

The Aztec cooked the flesh of victims into a stew, with tomatoes and peppers. We also have the finds at Ecatepec, near Mexico City, at Tula, at Burnt Mesa, New Mexico, at the Mancos Canyon, the Atakapa of Southwestern Louisiana, among the Tupinamba, and the Carib (the very term “cannibal” comes from the name of this tribe, whom Columbus first encountered).

Further North, there are the elaborate torture-slaughter-cannibal rituals of the Iroquois, the Huron, and other people of the Great Lakes, the Westo, the Anasazi, the plains, the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts (such as the Kwakiutl), the Pacific Islands, and even up into the Arctic, as at the Saunuktuk site. I have been privately assured by scholars who study the Pre-Contact period (before contact with Europeans) that “you wouldn’t want to be living in most parts of the Americas back then.”

This glut of evidence is processed in the mill of relativism, however, and what emerges is the intellectualization of man’s inhumanity to man, which passes for scholarly neutrality. In other words, no one can bring himself to say that one culture can be better than another, especially if that other happens to be the Western one. The exhortation is always the same: We must understand, not judge. But how do you understand children being tortured, slaughtered and then eaten? More importantly, what is there to understand?

Cultures veer into all kinds of horror shows because of weird ideologies they suddenly adopt. This usually means wholesale slaughter of the innocent. Real human beings are brutalized in order to demonstrate the worthiness of ideology. Examples in very recent human history abound: Stalinism, Nazism, Maoism, Islamism and the Armenian genocide by the Turks.

Neutrality in intellectual inquiry is another liberal confusion about the purpose of education. How can you learn anything without judgment? Philosophy shows that neutrality is an illusion (as Joseph Raz clearly demonstrates). What you have instead are choices; and you must commit your allegiance to one — and sometimes more — of these choices. Such is the progress of thought.

Those that study Pre-Contact cultures are themselves not neutral. They have an agenda — to show how Europeans destroyed what they found.

These same “neutral” scholars also often rationalize human sacrifice and cannibalism by invoking cruelties perpetrated by European colonialists. This is simply more confusion. No one says that humans can’t be cruel, but what history does show is that this cruelty must be contained and destroyed by good ideas. More importantly, Europe of the 15th century — and later centuries — had no entrenched tradition of human sacrifice and cannibalism.

This, then, leads to the broader, yet mindless, assertion: “Who are we to say that cannibalism is bad?” To be fair, such liberal reasoning has given us, in our time, both human sacrifice and a type of cannibalism in the practice of abortion, where the fetus is killed in the womb (to placate the ideology that it’s not really human and some notion of freedom, aka, “free choice”), and then its body is put to many uses (rather lucrative ones). Such are our ideological prisons.

Likewise, the populations of the Pre-Contact Americas were trapped by ideology that transformed humans into the eaters and the eaten. It would require the input of good Western ideas to free these people from the cruel prison of their failed cultures.

This is what history is all about: the sharing of good ideas and the building of a good civilization. Together they provide the good life, which is the chief end of humanity.

Nirmal Dass is a former university professor specializing in the Early and High Middle Ages. His areas of research are philosophy, history and ancient languages. He has written several books and is actively engaged in literary translation.

shawbrim s_mm_ns says:

Well, your first premises is false, so why listen any further?

TIM ALI says:

Remember Chavez,,,he said the devil came here yesterday,and it still smells of sulfur

No: Six says:

What are the solutions?

Holy Man says:

African blacks only bild kids. this dude has everything back to front.


The west, well America more specifically even tried to do this with Asian people. Americans literally make their own movies and have Caucasian actors play Genghis Khan, it's very tragic. It's so tragic that even many Caucasian people call out this BS. They do this all the time, they even after Christianity got into Europe redraw Jesus and claim he was a blonde haired and blue eyed European man.
They even tried to claim that they built Tokyo and Beijing as well. Though this fraudulent attempt never got far as everyone in Asia was like "WTF are you talking about, you weren't even here until recently". But these European people and American people in their early history were able to lie to their own people in their own countries. At least convincing their own people that they invented the world, but this didn't last the test of time as when the world became more internationally accessible and communication and education and science took off, then a lot of the white supremacist/nationalist type talking points and racial hypothesis disappeared like a fart in the wind.
European people even did this to each other, for example early America basically got all of their technology from Europe. Europeans accused the US of patent fraud and pure theft of intellectual property and Edison was known as a patent fraud. But back home in the US the papers and the US media would declare that the US invented cars and electricity and all of these things. But the same thing happened when the world became more international, basically the world became smaller and most of these fraudulent patents were thrown out in the international patent office's and with historians and science and evidence the US was forced to admit that they didn't invent these things.

Kalydosos says:

The picture of the white men with the African heads reminds me of what the Vietcong used to do to the French then the American white men.

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