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Sis. Shahrazad Ali On Elijah Muhammad & Malcolm X

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W.E. A.L.L. B.E. TV: Sis. Shahrazad Ali On Elijah Muhammad & Malcolm X~1/29/2015

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Bro. Ron aka r2c2h2 tha artivist








Brotha Awakener says:

I have had this discussion many times over the years.
Been someone that admired them both at separate times during my journey to supreme consciousness.
I strongly believe that The Most Honorable ELijah Muhammad is the best friend the Black man ever had.
Malcolm like a lot people from that era came around during the so-called "golden age of television".
T.M.H.E.M. was a master communicator. He ruined his voice speaking on the equipment of his younger years. Trying to wake fools up like malcolm.
T.M.H.E.M. was in the business of making strong, clean, conscious Black alpha males.
Malcolm tried to come back to The Nation but the master teacher said no sir, you failed a major test that I expect even a new convert would pass. if you did it once you do it again.
Take this "L" malcolmites, I did years ago when I saw how he was been manipulated to keep the alpha Black males away from the message.
To The Honorable Marcus Garvey, love what he accomplish and so did T.M.H.E.M., but family the difference between the two is that T.M.H.E.M. died with his shoes off, with a fortune, had wives, plenty of viable children, passed on a functioning organization that is still relevant today.
All the leaders from the Black Power movement were either killed, jailed, exiled, succumbed to drug abuse, penniless, became buck dancers, etc…
And his message is still good. He was right on time then and he's still on time.
Love The Most Honorable ELijah Muhammad.

Brotha Awakener says:

I have had this discussion many times over the years.
Been someone that admired them both at separate times during my journey to supreme consciousness.
I strongly believe that The Most Honorable ELijah Muhammad is the best friend the Black man ever had.
Malcolm like a lot people from that era came around during the so-called "golden age of television".
T.M.H.E.M. was a master communicator. He ruined his voice speaking on the equipment of his younger years. Trying to wake fools up like malcolm.
T.M.H.E.M. was in the business of making strong, clean, conscious Black alpha males.
Malcolm tried to come back to The Nation but the master teacher said no sir, you failed a major test that I expect even a new convert would pass. if you did it once you do it again.
Take this "L" malcolmites, I did years ago when I saw how he was been manipulated to keep the alpha Black males away from the message.
To The Honorable Marcus Garvey, love what he accomplish and so did T.M.H.E.M., but family the difference between the two is that T.M.H.E.M. died with his shoes off, with a fortune, had wives, plenty of viable children, passed on a functioning organization that is still relevant today.
All the leaders from the Black Power movement were either killed, jailed, exiled, succumbed to drug abuse, penniless, became buck dancers, etc…
And his message is still good. He was right on time then and he's still on time.
Love The Most Honorable ELijah Muhammad.

Tracy Agnew says:

Did not really agree with the comments she made about Malcolm, however her research on the black female and the white feminist movement was right on point.

Steve Jhonson says:

I listen to you sister Ali but not on Malcolm x..you can look at his interviews and see how real he was …Malcolm x was the truth and the nation hating him is why blacks don't believe in that noi shit….Farrakhan is a pimp and never will be Malcolm x …so don't talk about Malcolm x

Bonnie79 says:

This bitch sound like a black fool, so embarrassing.  I hate ghetto black folks like that bitch!smdh  She should just keep Malcolm's name out of her ignorant mouth!!!

reggie jackson says:

Malcolm was one who stood in the forefront of the struggle,the rest of you hid behind closed doors and prospered off of what Malcolm built.That is why we honor Malcolm,your personal hatred for him is NOI business,at least he did something,for us.Yes Elijah taught him,but Elijah kept it quiet,it was Malcolm who introduced the NOI to the public.You go ahead and hate him,we appreciate him.

lovell brooks says:

The Noi, exploded exponentially after Malcolm joined. Thats abundantly vivid. 

Black Information says:

Malcom came up on his own. Search on his own, found himself

Arius Black says:

TRUTH !!!!! 

Jacc Trippa says:

i love my sistah but this is one point i disagree on. cause Elijah Muhammad damn near wrote Marcus Garvey out of history. he was running around for decades making it seem like he came up with that nationalism himself when he got the game from Garvey and never gave him credit.

Jthrillz728 says:

No animosity at all toward the sista but when you see the image of her on this video where she's sitting below a Elijah Muhammad framed picture, then you hear her tone once Malcolm's name was mentioned personally I can see that she's one of those Muslims who still resents Malcolm for leaving the NOI and exposing what was happening. There also was references of those who were gifted with mesmerizing the masses with the message of Elijah Muhammad. W.Dean Muhammad, Louis Farrakhan, and herself. Wait no Dr. Khalid…

alexio prince says:

Malcolm came to the nation with nothing but his belief in allah & his trust in elijah . The nation b 4 maloclm was small only n 2 cities with about a few hundred people ,when malcolm got there and did his thing he put the nation on the map literally a mosque in every state membership grew black business grew malcolm started muhammad speaks and put the nation on tv appearing on numerous talk show and giving speaches at college & let's not forget the black panther party is a product of Malcolm x . I say this to the sister with love , when I think of the nation of islam I think Malcolm x

Tarius Shinobi says:

Sister Shahrazad is a Jewel!


Lady the question is what the nation of Islam a be without Malcolm? Everything the nation use to generate revenue he created, and brother don't be afraid to rub ppl the wrong way, ask the real questions,Malcolm took the black man issues to the UN, as if he was a diplomat of the state, we'll be better off behind Mr. X THEN MARTIN KING 

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