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10-7-2018: The Kaba Kamene Interview for Race War

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TBA speaks to Kaba Kamene before the world premiere of our upcoming documentary Race War.
Go to our website to see Race War:

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winter 87 says:

Excellent broadcast!!

Brian Bey says:

One of the greatest interviews I’ve had the opportunity to listen to. Thank you.

BlackPhoenix says:

Spare me .. black women are opening their legs up for chinese in Africa .. difference is in america, they open their legs up for anything that walks

K P says:

I'm in Dr Kaba. Please reach out to me when you can.

Think Tank says:

Take notes so many jewels! B1

P Guid says:

White privileged is just something blacks tell themselves to make them feel better about their own failures in life

God // says:

racism is not just fragility- it is part of their psyche..

A. Heru says:

Having Dr. Kaba on the broadcast opened up a floodgate for the conspiracy and metaphysical types…

Third Eye Open says:

Very Black Powerful !!!!

A. Heru says:

His response to the woodland creature problem made the bile rise in my throat…

A. Heru says:

Kaba's response to the Asian invasion question made me cringe.

A. Heru says:

I applaud Jason's restraint with these callers. Some of them would've been nixed on any other night.

A. Heru says:

I appreciate Dr. Kaba remembering why he's on the call and reminding us of his commitment to the project and his live appearance. Too many scholars will make it all about them and blow off that obligation

A. Heru says:

How do you day you won't deal in absolutes right after saying "all Europeans"? I think that it IS all because I've never been convinced otherwise. He quoted the line about "good white people" but still contends that there are good cops…

Qesankh Maa Kheperu says:

Brother Kaba was one of my first teachers in the early nineties. Wonderful man! However, he is now very much out of touch with what is going on. I think we have covered the "What needs to be done." arena very well. We have to start looking at the under current of "why" it is not being done. When we understand those dynamics that can motivate a people toward greatness and how to implement it then we will truly be on our way!

A. Heru says:

You know you're dealing with an integrationist when they say Latino and Latina with that fake as accent that they don't use for any other word. That kills me. They are doing it to respect a culture that doesn't even respect itself in so many ways

A. Heru says:

Superiority and supremacy aren't the same thing. Supremacy is the power to dominate us. Superiority, if there were such a thing, would mean that they are supreme by default. Fragility and supremacy aren't mutually exclusive. They go hand in hand and the fragility fuels their desire to use the tactics that grant them supremacy. They are not and never will be superior. But they have the power to do what they want and have the whole world stand with them.

A. Heru says:

No such thing as a good policeman. They exist, even with the best intentions, to keep us under threat and unable to progress. Period. The plantation didn't go anywhere. It just expanded from sea to shining sea.

A. Heru says:

Dr. Kaba has name recognition but he spews a lot of that metaphysical stuff that Jason usually shuts folks down for bringing to the broadcast

A. Heru says:

That "one race" BS has to go. We're not one "race," we are one species. Race is a social construct. We are one species, which is why we can breed regardless of race or ethnicity. Brother Kaba is always on the kumbaya talk when he's on a public platform. Not surprised to hear him say this but it's disappointing that he was allowed to say it on this platform. We are at war with white supremacy and racism and it fuels every single one of them. No room for this "we are one" talk.


We been at war….
"Liked Minded Black People" need to get on code….
A real "physical race conflict" is coming in the so called United States of America…not just a "Mental and Spiritual Conflict against White People" and their "non white minions"

dave east says:

TBA please could you do a show about dr. arikana chihombori-quao who is the AU ambassador speaking about the diaspora


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