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Elder Speaks | Flat Earth | Dr. Phil Valentine Calls Out Neil deGrasse Tyson & The Quantum Cult

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“Dr. Phil Valentine- The Quantum Truth that Neil Degrasse Tyson and Others Won’t Reveal

For a frame of reference, this is a Russell Brand video that was uploaded 2 weeks ago.

Are Elon & Tyson Right? Are We In A Simulation? | The Trews [455]

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Brainwashed Commercialized Hip-hop Is Dead says:

"Material constipated minds."
I like that reference.

J Doe says:

This person is just a racist peroid….

J Doe says:

Holy shit, this guide is a nut job, he's using big words but there out if context, he's using over and over but in difference and not make sense, no cohesion in his sentences he's truly talking in circles and has brain damage, he doesnt fit in, a conspiracy theorist who is envious of those he speaks about.

Marcus Harmon says:

God is real and he made everything so basically the big bang was made by him !!!

Liz Rivard says:

Subtle Infinity,
Thank you for all that you share, and all of the truth you speak through the experiences you have had. I watched the full lecture from Dr. Valentine. It's feels like I'm home listening to this man.
Thank you again
Peace and Blessings

h.thomas ackermann says:

3:55 I love his pronunciation of "Discard"
9:50 …but to what end?? this is a crucial question towards our becoming. It is not enough for me to accept we are merely a reflection of the omnipotent's being most advanced creature in matterium. Ouch !!
Unfortunately, some fabulous propositions delivered in a most unyielding and loveless manner. Just because one can invoke high principles and wisdom, it behooves us to also work on ourselves to become a delivery system for our higher self and be INSPIRATIONAL to each other beyond "word".
That said – it is a terrific synopsis of the manipulation and subterfuge we identify as consensual civilization.

cananadian hope says:

And you would be what? A new messiah a new Malcom X,,.The only truth,,Give your head a shake .That boat sailed a long time ago and resurrection is a bitch let alone only a copy of the original ,,,,,,,,,,Peace

jay willingham says:

Dr Valentine is just as much as fraud as is Tyson. Not only is he not a "Dr", but he is also not black. He is an evil puppet with an agenda. Anyone who can only ever read from paper, their carefully selected library of big words, but yet can not simply just speak in lecture from this same library, without reading the words, is attempting to be clever and seem more wise than they themselves know they are. Anyone can sound like a thesaurus on paper. If you want to witness this level of actual intelligence then listen to Alan Watts or Terrence McKenna. Dr Valentine is a magician of english language who casts spells on his audience. This is the very definition of "spelling".

Branch Thicke says:

Two questions. When he says, "THEIR globe earth and the science that WE have been forced to participate in", who is the THEY/THEIR that he is referring to and who is the WE that he is referring to?

Robert Smith says:

Really, dudes are standing around in shriners (feemasons) hats, yes satanist set up this fake system(s) of belief, but demonic entities are not limited to the white or black men…
Look into your SS# & find out, we are ALL equil slaves here! ™©⁷¹

Robert Smith says:

Ignorant, elegant useless speech, putting your own people on trail because the refuse to accept your programming, it truly is about race, 24/7, all the time, about every subject, but that's cool, if that's your thing, have at it….
Can I ask a question? Do you suppose that in heaven, souls will have different colors, or God will have different sections for different races?
Do you think who God chooses to rise up is dependent on race?
I think I have a new name for people like you, it's called the cain & able symdrome, if you would stop brainwashing yourselves with your money worshiping, womanizing, hood rat mentaility, like a skipping broken record, maybe things might change, & it's not even that I don't agree with you about certain people being mistreated, what I am saying is, this has happened all over the world by ALL races, not one exempt, or you going to lie to yourself about that as well? ™©⁷¹

David Bradley says:

governments are showing you who they are, the modern day highway robbers,rapists and killers…and its business as usual.

The Two Gardens says:

Mr Valentine is sooooo Correct ! And unfortunately most of the public is not !

Sunnu Valentine says:

Thank you for the majority of positive responses to my dissertation on "the Flatted Plane" Beloved Family. Please forgive the many mis-readings and technical "glitches" that occurred throughout the presentation.

Also; I would like to add that I forgot to mention that my renewed interest in the so-called "Flat Earth" was more currently triggered (about 4 years ago) by a young lady named 'Desiree' … wife of my friend Bro. Strength El Dey. It was she who shouted with excitement one day "Bro Valentine – did you know the Earth is flat?" Her insistence and excitement inspired me to shake off the cob-webs that had gathered around the memories of my first introduction to the concept by Bro. Gene. It compelled me to search through my library archives to find, re-examine, and re-immerse myself in the book "Worlds Beyond The Poles" once again…a book I acquired from Bro. Gene at "Weiser's Bookstore" in New York. Thank you Desiree for reminding this old dog that we are never too old to receive a renewed/old gift, if we but stay intellectually open and resilient in our quests for truth.

Love and Light…

Lahmel Forever says:


Tom Shaw says:

i never felt more in tune with the vibration of my creator.thank you good doctor!

walkertonkidd says:

I wanted to hear more. Who is this guy?

NorCal Waters says:

One of the best presentations of 2018 hands down!

Mike T Football Tv says:

watched the whole presentation on brother Riches channel

skyisthelimit ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ readyornotfor2 says:

Have you seen the old video put out by Vegan Warrior on Dr. Phil Valentine? He was saying that he had been talking about flat earth for decades, but when you look into his earlier work he was all about the aliens & the globe.

Sure, it is still nice to see him speaking the truth, but be wary he seems to be the type to promote things just for all the hype and popularity it gives him.

JohnNiemsMusic says:

Well said Dr. Phil Valentine! My newest song will be out next week and it's called SPACE FARCE! The EARTH is indeed FLAT FOLKS! BTW – Neil DISGRACE Tyson is here in VEGAS tonight giving his BS ACTING LECTURE! He's an ACTOR FOLKS!

F L A T L A N D says:

9 astrophysicists have seen this.

sistaflame100 says:

Can u please lecture pepple about how earth is a hollowed astroid. Tell the people how each death star explodes that turns into gold. Tell the people how the are space minning diamonds from exploded astriods. Tell the higher truth blast that

Hayward Juniel says:

Hay I know what we all should go to his website and continually say he scared the debate you he scared the debate Eric to buy and you he only a debate someone you know doesn't know a whole lot about Flat Earth like B.o.B,So came some show on TV, he came on TV station with a smile and eating the a sandwich, and said something about gravity then he drop the mic like he's so bad.as he walk off the TV show.

Hayward Juniel says:

He will not debate you he's scared he know that you would blow him out of the water with his dumb ideas and dumb words that he say just so he look smart to those who follow him thinking he's smart .

Quantum of Conscience says:

OMG, he's not turning this into a race thing is he? Really?

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