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[2h]Neely Fuller Jr- Slave To Your Possessions…Stop Buying And Piling Up Stuff – 16 Jan 2019

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Neely Fuller Jr talking live on 16 January 2019. Visit Mr Fuller jr’s website https://producejustice.com/?affiliate=9

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Darel Joseph says:

Thank you so much. These are my favorite videos to watch. I am so much clearer after listening to Mr. Fuller.

McKenzie Norals says:

Teach Mr fuller, open our blind ass eyes brother.

akhere akhuemokhan says:

Mr. Bobby bumbled and rambled for the first 4:02 man that guy is the worst. Thanks @Victor of RWS for uploads.

Maladé Fanfaron says:

“I got truck loads of apologies” lol

New Jack Swing says:

I read an article about widespread racism at a GM plant in Ohio. Some Black employees were called boy, nigger, told to go back to Africa, a noose was hung inside the plant, whites only was written on the wall, they at times were threatened with bodily harm, and GM did absolutely nothing to stop it. Also something one of the employees said stuck with me. It's when one of the black employees stated other white employees who held the same job as he, received training before their jobs, where he was handed a clipboard and told to start work. That is exactly one of the things that Mr. Fuller said the suspected white supremacists will do. They attempt to set you up for failure on the iob. By the way 2 of the black employees quit their jobs at GM and have filed a lawsuit. I've heard suspected white supremacists immediately attack these employees saying, how do we know they didn't lie about these things in order to file a lawsuit for financial gain. The white supremacists never stop defending white supremacy. They are consistent! Like a soldier with a gun in his hand manning a post they protect white supremacy like their lives depend on it.

Denise Worsham says:

Black people are treated worse by WS for many reasons but, "primarily" because blk/brown pigment and kinky hair is a natural "mark" which indicates "who" we are and the degree to which skin-color has been diluted; A BRAND of skin to be identfied easily. Thus, used for the convenience of implementing and establishing subjugation practices for the purpose of maintaining a permanent system to benefit the greed of our oppressors. The tools used initially: Weapons, Murder, Rape, Separation and confinement through physical and psychological means, Slavery, Distortion of history, Utilization of our Land & Natural and historical Talents, Language-removal, and Re-endoctrination of the young thru the introduction of formulated Religions.
Today, the constant use of all those tools combined, proved to be successful for WS.

In our present day, the evolution of propaganda through TV, radio, movies, written publications, and social media, and Black enemies within, maintains WS more easily. Present day tools normalize: sexual promiscuity, violence, news, entertainer- worship, and religious participation used as modern day tools of daily distractions 24/7. Black people as employees buy all of the bells & whistle-gadgets to allow ourselves to FEEL free. The small minority of Black people who know by clear observation that the world is a systematic prison of Black and Brown people are generally viewed as Radical trouble-makers, Unappreciative of this life or just Crazy. Any Blk people who historically or currently maintain a desire for TRUE Independence is now a member of a small minority of Blacks who only find "some" freedom when they communicate with like- minded Blacks who share that ideology. That alone is a "welcome reprieve" for maintaining sanity in this global prison of WS.

Denise Worsham says:

That's why some people buy homes, cars & stuff in cash to make all three turn a profit.

Djelari Ghana says:

You don't ask for justice. You demand it. If you are denied or ignored you go kill the people who refuse to give it to you. That's self-defense and righteousness. We're scared of the white man's power but he only has the power we allow him to have through our collective disunity.

BLACKS ARE PROPERTY OF THE GOVERNMENT SO WE SHOULD BE HAPPY THE FUCKER IS SHUT DOWN. Property as no rights. This is why the cops can slaughter us at will.

closeedge01 says:

'Be your own leader' is one of the most valuable things Mr. Fuller says.  If everyone did that, the system wouldn't continue to roll out puppet personalities for black people to latch onto…….

Lisa Lyn says:

Every time I listen I find Mr. Bobby intolerable. Then I don't listen for a while. WHy would you say "very good" after getting corrected about a horrific event in our past. I just don't get why he is the host of the show. Can anybody explain it?

Still Learning says:

Mr Fuller is a master logical thinker and even he's still learning.

Fred Fard says:

In my opinion, they're making you become a slave to marriage, too. Look how black men lose almost everything when they divorce black women, and when white men divorce black women the black women lose almost everything. Moreover, statistic show 70% of second marriages with children end in divorce and we know what the stats show in first marriages.

Victor Palmer says:

Compensatory Counter Racist logic is about thinking scientifically and methodically about what you are going to say and do, in every given moment in time.

Counter racists logic is about planning ahead with definiteness of purpose, which will lead to clarity and focus.

Mr. Fuller says, "Keep them so they won't think to break out!"

You really don't have time to think with clarity and focus ,and if you are not thinking about whether what you are going to say or do is constructive or non-constructive. This behavior causes victims of racism to react emotionally, instead of thinking scientifically with a constructive intent for a constructive result.

The consequences for a victims of racism to not think this way can have life and/or death consequences. Mr. Fuller says, to think ahead about step 1 , and step 2 and that is still not enough. You need to think beyond step 1, step 2 and even step 3 , and step 4 ……..and so on.

What you say and/ or what you are going to do is either constructive or non-constructive. There is no grey areas! That is a cliche! There is nothing in between. Try to think ahead is what I am going to say or do have a constructive effect or a non-constructive effect?

You want to have a constructive intent with a- constructive result, to whatever you say or do.

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