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A Kemetic Cosmic New Year with Kaba and Ptah

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Brought to you by: 2018/2019 Ancient Khemetic Rasaurian Calendar (Physical) http://bit.ly/2JiWNY9 -OR- 2018/2019 Ancient Khemetic Rasaurian Calendar (Digital) http://bit.ly/2Emx8Kw

Ptahs Trip to Khmt & Sudan Pyramids http://bit.ly/2EivI7x

If you are following the Gregorian calendar, you must be prepared for the frequencies and energies of the New Year from a Kemetic, African centered consciousness.

Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene and the Keeper of our Time, Ptah Seker Ausaur will offer their expertise and guidance for a new you in the New Year.

FREE Webinar: How they Stole Our Cosmic Time with Master Keeper of our Time, SBA Ptah Seker Ausaur https://goo.gl/HaKx6Y
[RADIO] Reclaiming Our Time: Understanding Our Cosmic Time with Master Ptah Seker Ausaur https://goo.gl/7bwQfF
Our Cosmic Time Has Come! http://bit.ly/2KWyuzH
Our Cosmic Calendar with Professor Kaba Hiawatha Kamene and Ptah Seker Ausar https://goo.gl/ghWZA5
ADEPT: [Ptah Seker Asar] The SHOCK Metaphysics Virtual Kemetic Wisdom School https://goo.gl/j8dzwX

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  • Categories: Kaba Kamene


Ria Sweetraw says:

Great Lecture ❤️ ⭐️ Do you have a 2019-2020 Rausarian Calendar ? Please provide your website …

Nursing The Truth says:

Where can I get this book to invoke the neteru

Nursing The Truth says:

What is going on with the black goo coming from Osiris tomb?

Nursing The Truth says:

Ptah rules! I want him to come back!

Harmony 737 says:

I am fine tuning the diet habits for my family. My question is what do we do with children, taking into consideration their high metabolism & nutritional needs. We are waiting to eat until after a "restroom" break in the a.m. & water intake-MADE a huge difference. And dark matter-I love this man. Thank you for your guest's-thank you for introducing me to this master teacher-everything he is talking about-on every level-from health to science to US! He is my missing link. Put a new bulb in my flashlight!!! Shining light on so many things my spirit has already been bringing me to. Again. So many thanks.

charles hannah says:

Hotep Ankh Udja Senb This show was timely! Shem em Hotep

o zekeo says:

Circa 24:17 how can you have a wakanda calander without a ra-usarian calander? Thank you booker t you never cease to amaze me

GovZilla 313 says:

Hotep! I love your show!

Gregory Howard says:

What is name of the calender and how do I spell it or get it

Tianja Bean says:

Hotep Hetapu family Greetings to all The Adepts . We honor and respect sending greeting you from The Sistah Circle. We are sacrificing preparing for your journey. We are the relaters of the message to our families. Those listen hear us well. We take our works very very seriously. From oncest we come we overstand with complete overstanding.
 Seba Ptah safe journey to the homelands. Awaiting the documentary. Bro Philippe I'm pleased you will have him on to engage us on this completed journey we await anxiously awaiting to be a part of all we must know. Some of us have been on the voyage with Ashra and Merira Kwesi, some of lived in different parts of the continent for a period of time and some are awaiting the time when they can make that pilgrimage home.
 We are reminded daily of the paralysis of the analysis and speak on it ready with no distractions. we are focused. Living on island we are very aware of the truth being revealed with cosmos. Our waters are rising at an alarming speed. Baba Kaba we all hold you up in very high esteem and pay homage. YOur name is called with many of our heroes and sheros/ancestors, "It ain't over til we win"

Oluwajoba says:

I'd like to see Philippe link up with Dr. Charles Finch, as I believe he doesn't get the recognition that our other elder scholars get. He mentioned he will be making his last trip to Kemet in 2020. Peace

rkamson says:

We do not eat and drink at the same time because the acids in the stomach need to be at a certain PH to digest solid foods. Water dilutes the acids in the stomach, creating an environment where food sits longer than healthy because the PH level has been diluted! This condition can and does lead to many chronic conditions, over time. Our ancestors knew this. And, our ancient Nile Valley ancestors enjoyed a diet where turkey was bath in honey and cooked. They also enjoyed fish. They were not vegetarians! However, they were not big meat eaters either. Moderation was key.
I know many Kemetic Brothers and Sister who, if you ask, …..what do you believe in; would give you a very detailed answer. Both those who went to college and those who did not!! There are thousands upon thousands of us who traveled to Kemet, with Master Teachers since the 1960s who, could also answer this question, in great detail!

Steven Ellison says:

Thar guy is a beautiful soul

HeirsOfTheMostHigh says:

Can you read my calendar sighn, im Nov6

Donna B. says:

Does Ptah have a program that teaches how, when, where, what, etc. to eat, health, diet, etc.? He reminds me of Dr. Sebi in some ways when speaking about eating those foods that have seeds. I looked in the archives you have online to see if there was a program or teachings regarding the type of dietary lifestyle we should implement. I think this is a very important issue we need to really focus on in these next coming years, i.e. cleaning our systems out, eating foods designed for our bodies, etc. You can exercise, pray, meditate, etc.; but if your diet isn't right, everything else is for naught (a waste of time).

Moneque Artis_Brain says:

Does anyone knows how to get the calendar? I came in late. I give you thanks.

Angela Houston says:

"Phenomena Of Being" QUOTE: Master Ptah

Kenya From Cali says:

My soul is present.

drocc Goodman says:

This is amazing

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