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Dr Phil Valentine – Health and the Female Body, A Deeper look at Women

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bam9042 says:

I don't care what anybody says, Phil HATES women. and no I'm not a feminist.

monae sweety says:

I need to read this

Kye TheGuide says:

Women can be independent and dependent at the same time. There's a balance. A woman can still be able to take care of herself and her family with her spouse. There is nothing wrong with an empowered woman. There are many power couples, it should be a team effort not, one depending on the other for everything, unless that's just what they want but a woman needs to be empowered enough to know how to build and make it in this matrix on er own two feet without depending solely on others.


Black women can change societies they just do it covertly. Oprah just like Black men with riches can't change anything because they are not in the position to change anything. If Oprah even thought of using her money to liberate Black people she would be thrown in prison or killed, same thing would happen with Black men if they had the slightest desire of liberating our people with the devils money.

Couture Massage says:

I so appreciate this information especially being a healer myself plus looking for continuous ways to heal myself.


Black women's clothing needs to be more expansive, meaning moving centrifugally away from the body. Look at how the Black Maasai women wear their clothing, it's layered but not constrictive.

Mary Jane says:

Very good…

Secret Journey says:

In today's world the man states the problem and the woman analyzes it and articulates it. LOL everything is backwards. @1:00:00

phat phuc says:

The Egyptian created two form of codified symbols to communicate; Hieroglyphs and demotic script. The hieroglyphs was created for the general public which enabled them to understand.
America is merely a construct of the English paradigm. To understand fully what America would ultimately come to represent is to look at England over a hundred years ago. Two very distinct socio-economic/cultural class. One class directing behavior and ideology the other merely doing what is instructed. In realizing this ultimate goal several requirement must be accomplished. Acknowledging men create paradigm shifts, men especially those who display certain leadership qualities are removed from an audience. Without men creating that paradigm shift to which women may operate, society becomes that which is…….

Juci Shockwave says:

Oh yes, because every woman is the same. >_> sighs Weird part of youtube-land again. I was watching a series of very interesting documentaries on Islamic positive influences over the world, such as inventing Algebra and the numbers we use for math today, good wonderful, happy stuff … and then youtube throws this bullshit at me. I end up having these hateful, sexist, racist, bullshit videos of idiots blaming white media, or blaming women, or blaming men, or blaming someone for some shit not a single gender, sex or race has control over… Only the elitists, the super wealthy rich people, have true control. Gesh youtube. Back in 2005 these hateful, blame videos would've been banned, now they flourish like maggots on rotten pork.

Layz Musiq says:

Y'all need to work on the volume of theses videos. we can't hear the information. the volume is to low

Tiffany W Was says:

Even tho Oprah gives the impression that she is independent…He goes home to her Man

Tyni9 says:

Does anyone know who the commentator is? He is referred to as Brother J, however I would care for a full name. Thank you

the student says:

I would really like to meet him and his lovely wife Nalani. Damn on Amazon.com the book costs $175…where can I find it cheaper?

Janel Janel says:

I'm so happy I watched your video. Thanks a million over. The first caller made a very powerful point. I too had tied my tubes and afterward I cried so hard as if I lost something special, which I did. I read that same book. It's on YouTube. Don't take anything personal.

Liberty Shepherd-Carpenter says:

Damn…Dr. Phil looks good for 60

Janice Frisco says:

Wow I am so glad I came across this video because dr Valentine seems to be talking about me directly I am true gynic woman I was in relationship with a guy that always said I was to sensitive or was always putting me down for being who I was I am true female in every since I am not into sports or talking loud I've never drinkers alcohol or smoked I've always been into the metaphysics thanks for the video

Cursive Dragon says:

In a way this audio video does kinda make me feel good about myself.  I have no care what-so-ever about cologne, shoes or clothes.  I am just groomed well.  I buy the cheapest shoes, but, I do buy insoles cause my feet kill me.  That happens with expensive shoes as well.  I drive a Yaris and never cry at the gas pumps. The only thing I spend money on is quality hiking gear.  I'm an outdoors man.  Someone told me years ago in Baltimore that when they were a child, Timberlands were dirt cheap because they were used by construction workers and loggers.  

Cursive Dragon says:

The title of that book is deep.  The Wounded Womb.  That should make for a damn good read.

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